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I was sitting at my chair waiting for my teacher and classmates to come. I find it weird because it’s the first day of school and all of them were late!

I was playing with my phone when the door swung open, revealing the girl at the café. She ran towards me, grabbed my collar and pushed me against the wall. Her eyes were dark and it landed on my lips.

“It should’ve been me! You should’ve chosen me!” she screamed at me before smashing our lips together.

She kissed me hard and what she said next made my knees weak.

“Fuck me Y/N”

“HOLY SHIT!” I woke up panting and notice sweat covering my entire body. I touched my lips, it felt real. It felt good.

Wait, what?! No. No. This is wrong. I have James and I love him. I love HIM.

I checked the time….4:30am.

“Great! Now I have two and a half hours to waste before classes start.” I groaned before getting up.

I changed into my black dri-fit shirt, sweats and grabbed my shoes. I need to clear my mind off that stupid dream! I put my earphones on, grabbed my keys and hurriedly ran outside. It felt good running on the streets, feeling the cold air brush on my body.

After about an hour, I decided to go back to my house to change before my boyfriend picks me up.

I smell bacon and eggs as I finished putting up some decent clothes. I find it sweet when my mom makes breakfast for me. I’m lucky I have my mom to do these things because not all parents pay attention to their kids. In case you are wondering where my dad is, he’s dead.

I was four when mom told me that I won’t be seeing my dad anymore. It was heartbreaking to see my mom cry at night while hugging my dad’s pillow. But I am happy now because I have my stepdad, Mike. I consider him my dad because he is amazing in every way. He makes me feel that I’m his daughter and he makes sure to give me ice cream whenever mom gets mad at me. Yep, I’m spoiled af.

“Good morning mom! I’m glad Dad didn’t cook or else this house will be on fire.” I teased Mike as I kissed my mom on the forehead.

“It was one time jeez!” my dad dramatically exclaimed.

He almost lit the house on fire when he tried to cook for their anniversary. HAHA

After I ate my breakfast, I heard a car honking signaling James has finally arrived. I bid my goodbyes to my parents, giving both a kiss before I closed the front door.

“Good morning love! I’m so pumped up! It’s the first day of school!” James excitedly said while opening his car door for me.

He’s sweet most of the time but I really can’t take the noise this early when I woke up at 4:30 in the morning.

“Woah! What’s up with the face babe?” he asked while giving me a worried look.

“I am sleep deprived and coach has been calling me nonstop. My head is killing me!”

“I know what you need Y/N” James leaned at me and gave me a peck on the lips.

“Now let’s go to school before I strip your clothes off” he added.

“James!” I felt myself blush as those words left his mouth.

Twenty minutes passed and I saw students at the parking lot. They greeted us since we’re the most popular couple in school. I told James I have to go because I have to look for my coach and if I don’t hurry up, I’ll be late for my first class.

“Gosh! Why does his room have to be so far!”

As I entered his office, “Y/N, I need you to be extremely fit for this season”.

“Uhmm good morning to you too coach.” I greeted him causing Coach Roy to laugh.

“I’m sorry, good morning Y/N. As I was saying, the team will undergo extreme training starting tomorrow, especially you. We won the championship last year so expect a lot of pressure from everyone.”

“Don’t worry coach, I got this. We got this”

Coach handed over some tapes and I noticed the names of each school that we’ll play against at the cover of each tape.

“I need you to watch these tapes. Study their errors, find out what the teams lack. Study these well so we can build a better defense and offence against these schools.” I nodded.

“Okay, now hurry up. You might be late.”

I checked the time and it’s two minutes before my class. Running was my best option and I’m basically good at it.

I arrived in front of my room and I noticed the door is closed. I look at my watch, four minutes late.


I opened the door earning a confused look from my Chemistry teacher.

“I know you won last year’s championship but that doesn’t mean you can be late in my class Ms. Y/L/N.”

“I’m sorry ma’am, it won’t happen again.”

I feel a pair of eyes looking at me and I quickly brushed it off. I know I’m famous so most kids at my school will look at me, right?

Ms. Brooke basically talked about what we should expect this year blah blah, clearly I wasn’t paying attention. My head fucking hurts so don’t blame me.

“Okay class, I would like to introduce our new student.” Ms. Brooke told the class.

I looked up and I saw her….again.

The girl who made my heart flutter without even saying a damn word, the girl whose smile is worth more than Mona Lisa’s, the girl whose eyes are even brighter than the stars, and the girl who stole a kiss in my dream.

“Hi everyone, my name is Roseanne Park. I’m from Australia.”

Her extremely hot accent will definitely be the death of me.

Shit Y/N, stop it!

“I hope to get to know you more” she said while staring at me and gave me a wink before she went back to her seat.

I felt myself blush after she said that. I decided to ignore everything that happened and pretend to listen to Ms. Brooke.

This is going to be an interesting year.

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