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I was sitting comfortably at the dock, my back against Jisoo’s chest and her arms still wrapped around me. We were staring at the lake for about an hour now when her phone rang.

“Hi dad”

“I’m at the lake with Y/N”


“What happened?”

“Okay I’m on my way”

She hung up and I saw her struggling to keep herself calm.

“Jisoo, what happened?”

“My mom was rushed in the hospital”


I didn’t go to class for three days because I knew Jisoo needed me. She told me a thousand times that she’s okay, but I know better. I was the only friend who knew what her family’s going through and I promised I’ll never leave her side when she needed me the most.

Besides, I can't face Roseanne now. Maybe I should follow Jisoo's advice. Maybe I should let go now and find someone better, a girl who can prioritize me, who can make a bad day disappear by just one touch or smile, who can love me and make me happy for the rest of my life.

Rosé’s POV

It’s Thursday and I don’t know if she’ll go to class today. She’s been avoiding me since my birthday and I just want to tell her everything. I tried to call her but her phone was turned off, I even called Jisoo but I’m always directed to voicemail.

I haven't been myself since that day. I couldn't eat, I couldn't function well knowing I could possibly lose the girl I love the most. Jennie's words struck something in me and a part of me believes that it might be true, that I don't deserve Y/N.


After she left, Jennie appeared in front of me.

“What did you do to her, Rosé?”

“I’m so sorry” I continued crying knowing I will never have her now.

“You don’t know how many times you’ve hurt her. You don’t know how many times I have to see her crying over you. You don’t deserve her love.”

(end of flashback)

I saw her empty seat in Chemistry and my mind suddenly imagined things that could possibly happen to her, to us. Will she talk to me? Does she hate me? Of course she would. Why is Jisoo with her? She likes Y/N and she will surely grab this opportunity to comfort my girl. Fuck! Why do I have to be so stupid?!

“I’m glad you showed up today Ms. Y/L/N” my head snapped towards the door when I heard Ms. Brooke.

“I’m sorry ma’am. There was an emergency and I had to take care of it.”

“Okay. Just borrow some notes from your classmates so you could catch up on our lecture.”


She went to her seat and placed a notebook on her desk. She always looks at me whenever our classes start but this time it’s different. Her head hung low, she's got bags under her eyes and she looks tired.

I have to talk to her.


Lunch came and I was patiently waiting for her. I was seated at our usual table with Jennie and Lisa, who were arguing about who’s the best cook between Bobby Flay and Gordon Ramsay.

I was too preoccupied with my thoughts that I didn’t notice Jennie ran towards Y/N. She hugged her tight, placed her head at the crook of Y/N’s neck, and mumbled something that made Y/N’s frown turn into a smile. My heart ached at the thought of them together.

“Bish where were you?!” Lisa screamed at Y/N as she sat on the bench.

“I was at Jisoo’s.” my heart sank at the thought of them together for almost a week.

“Why were you there babe? You could’ve called me. I could’ve picked you up” Jennie said annoyingly.

“Jisoo needed me at that time. But, it’s all good now.”

“You had us worried Y/N”

“I know, I’m sorry.”


I was dismissed ten minutes before the time and I decided to wait for Y/N at the music room as she always go there before soccer practice. I heard someone playing the guitar and I immediately opened the door. Her puffy eyes met mine and for the first time, I felt intimidated at the way she looks at me.

“Y/N, we need to talk” she ignored me and placed the guitar down. I grabbed her wrist then placed my hands on her cheeks.

“Please look at me”

Tears started falling as soon as she closed her eyes. I can feel her heart breaking as she stood in front me.

“You told me you like me Rosie. You made me feel special but why did you have to hurt me?”

"For a second I thought of risking everything for you. You're the only girl who managed to steal my heart, Roseanne. I tried to push you away when you kissed me but I couldn't. I know what we did was wrong because you have Lisa, yet why do I feel like you belong to me?"

I didn’t know what to say.

“Stop playing with my heart Rosé because I can’t take it anymore.”

She removed my hands and brushed the stains on her face. She was about to step out of the room when I turned her around and kissed her. The butterflies on my stomach were still there. God, I miss her. I miss having her soft lips on mine. Y/N was about to break up the kiss but I held her close. I can feel her heavy breaths as she kissed me back and honestly, this seems to be the last time I'd kiss her. Tears were falling and hearts were breaking, but I didn’t let go. I can’t let her go this time because I know she will never come back again.

The next thing I know she was lying on the ground as Lisa punches her.

“I trusted you Y/N!”

“She’s my girlfriend!”

“You’re a fucking snake!”

Y/N didn’t even budge, she just let Lisa attack her. Blood filled up the floor and I was there trying to stop it. Jennie came in rushing towards Lisa and held her by the waist.

“Why did you do this to me Y/N?! You of all people sh-“

“I tried to stop it, Lis. I pushed my feelings away the moment you told me you like her.“ Y/N said, her eyes were glued to Lisa.

“I wanted her just as much but I couldn’t lose you. I love you Lisa that’s why I stayed away from both of you. Trust me, I tried.”

Trails of blood followed Y/N as she walked out of the room with Jennie, leaving me with Lisa.

“Let me explain, Lisa”

“Don’t ever talk to me, Rosé.”

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