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It was the end of classes when I decided to call James and ask if we could go to Moonshot Café.

“Hey babe, can you come with me at the café? I have to do some homework and I was wondering if you’re free today?”

“I can’t go baby. My brother called and asked me to drive him to our uncle’s house.”

“Okay I’ll just ask Lisa. Take care and text me as soon as you get home.” I said as I spotted Lisa standing in front of her locker.



“You don’t even know what I’m about to ask you”. I quirked my eyebrows.

“I’ve known you since we were kids and I know that you always go to the café after school.” Lisa said while placing her books inside her locker.

“So, can you come with me?” I asked my friend hoping she’d say yes. I even tried to pout because I know it's her weakness.

“As much as I want to go with you right now, I can’t. I have dance practice today.”

I forgot to tell you that Lisa is the president of our school’s official dance club. She acts cute and clumsy when you see her at the hallway but she’s a total monster when she steps on the stage. She’s the school’s dancing machine. Dancing is her passion and she also likes how girls drool over her when she moves her slender body.

“Can I watch you then?”

“Dude no! Our routine is a surprise bish and I can’t wait to blow people’s minds” that’s what I love about Lisa, she’s confident.

“Fine. You better treat me then if you win.” I said while walking away from her.


I entered the café and the smell of coffee hits my face. I saw how the lights were turned on since it’s almost dark and they’re playing my favorite band. Gosh, I really love this place. I went to the register and saw my friend Irene.

“Hey Y/N! How’s the first day of school?” she asked me while typing on the computer in front of her.

“Interesting and stressful”

“You know what will cheer you up?” She gave me a double chocolate pecan bar, banana loaf and a cheesecake.

“Are you trying to make me fat, Irene?”  I tried so hard to keep my poker face on but my stomach growled making both of us laugh.

“Don’t forget my…”

“I know, I know, I won’t forget your Caramel Macchiato” Irene smirked as she finished my sentence.

After I paid my food, I went to my favorite spot in the café. I set aside my food and placed my books on the table. I have to finish this homework we have in Math, History and Chemistry so I can relax at home.

I was doing my homework in math when I heard a voice.

“It’s the first day of school and you’re finishing up the homework that’s due on Wednesday?”

I looked up and saw Rosé standing in front of me. She’s smiling at me and I don’t know how long I was staring at her when she asked me another question.

“Are you alone or are you waiting for someone?”

I snapped out of my thoughts and it took me seconds to figure out her questions.

“Uh yes”

“Yes what?” Rosé said while raising her eyebrows.

“I mean yes I’m finishing my homework and yes I am alone” I mentally slapped myself for always being stupid in front of her.

“Do you mind if I sit with you?” she carefully asked me. I told her it’s okay and I don’t mind since I’m almost done with everything.

“You finished all of this?” she held the papers and looked at me.

The look on her face confuses me because I can usually read what a person is thinking of based on his/her facial expression. Right now, I don’t know what she thinks of me. Do I look like a loser to her or something? I mean, I choked in front of her and stuttered too many times, I won’t blame her if she thinks that way.

“Yep” I popped the letter “p” which made her smile again. I don’t know how she does that. I’m not sure if she’s aware that she can paralyze a person with that gorgeous smile.

“Great! Now I can ask you questions and get to know you better.” seeing her smile is torture but seeing her eyes glow is on a whole different level.

I pushed my things aside and put my food in front of us. I asked her to have some cake and she politely decline.

“What brings you to California?” I asked first.

“My sister, Alice, got accepted in Stanford so I have to go with her too.”

“Your sister must be really smart! I mean being accepted in an ivy league school is one of my dreams.”

“So that explains why you’re too focused on your studies.” she said while taking a bite of her banoffee pie.

We talked for hours and I got to know her more. Her korean name is Park Chaeyoung. She has a pet fish named Joohwang which I find adorable. She speaks fluent English and Korean, she loves to eat, hates avocado but loves mango, likes color blue, hates bugs, she loves to watch the sunset and sunrise and we have the same taste in music.

“Oh I can play guitar and piano too!”

My eyes went wide. I can’t believe how talented this girl is. She’s almost perfect you know.

“Can you play something for me then?” I asked her then looked at the instruments placed in the café.

I expect her to back out, but she surprised me when she confidently stood up and grabbed the guitar.

“Any request?” she smirked at me while adjusting the microphone in front of her.

“Surprise me”

My life is brilliant
My love is pure
I saw an angel
Of that I'm sure
She smiled at me on the subway
She was with another man
But I won't lose no sleep on that
'Cause I've got a plan

You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You're beautiful, it's true
I saw your face in a crowded place
And I don't know what to do
'Cause I'll never be with you

She looked at me and curiosity filled my mind. I don’t know if I saw it clearly, but I think a single tear escaped on her left eye which caused her to look down and close her eyes. Rosé looks so vulnerable. I felt the pain she’s feeling and I can’t help but wonder who hurt her this way.

Everyone in the room stood up and applauded her when she finished the song. I grabbed her hand when she was about to sit and hugged her tight.

I don’t know what possessed me to do such thing but one thing I’m sure of is that she’s hurting and I want her to know that I’m here for her.

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