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Rosé’s POV

We were parked in front of my house, neither of us moving. What happened a while ago felt surreal. We spent the day laughing so hard that I didn’t want it to end. She’s full of surprises, even gave me this beautiful gift and said some things I wasn’t expecting to hear from her.

I knew then she had feelings for me and I had to kiss her. It was the perfect opportunity to let her know the feelings I’ve been bottling up since the moment I saw her. I thought I was dreaming when she kissed me back.

My thoughts were interrupted when she spoke up.

“Rosie, I think we should forget about what happened”

“What? Do you honestly expect me to just forget that you kissed me too? That you held me so tight? I know you like me Y/N and I like you too, a lot” I was hurt. I was mad. I’ve never felt this whirlwind of emotions.

Why is she doing this to me?

“Lisa” tears finally came out of her dark brown eyes like a waterfall. I knew she was hurting, I knew she was just as stuck as I am in this situation. But her telling me to forget everything that happened between us is like cutting my heart into half, she didn’t have to be this cruel.

I stepped out of the car because I knew that if I stayed longer, I would just crawl back into her arms and ask her to run away with me. She made me fall in love with her and now, she managed to break my heart into a million pieces.

I opened the front door and the lights suddenly turned on.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!” Lisa came towards me, hugged me and placed a chaste kiss on my lips.

I saw Jennie, Jisoo and Alice behind her, even my classmates were there too. I really appreciate Lisa’s effort but I can’t deal with anyone right now, not after what happened between Y/N and I.

“I made this for you Rosé! I told Lisa that I wanted to bake for your birthday and I really hope you’d like it” Jennie said while holding on to the cake. I blew the candle and managed to form a smile.

“Yo Y/N! What the hell are you doing in the car? Come in here! Let’s start this party!” I heard Lisa scream behind me when she noticed Y/N was still outside.

Music filled the entire house, people even danced like there’s no tomorrow. But my eyes landed on Jennie who was sitting with Y/N at the couch, her arm was around my girl while whispering something on her ear. I suddenly felt sick.

I wanted to be alone, so I decided to go to my room. I was laying on the bed with a pillow on my face when I heard the bedroom door open.

“Hi baby, why are you here? Don’t you like the surprise?” Lisa lay down beside me.

“The party is great but I’m just a bit exhausted” I lied.

“You and Y/N had so much fun hmm?”

“Uh-yeah you can say that”

“You know what’s even more fun?”

Lisa grabbed the pillow away from my face and kissed me passionately. Her lips asked for an entrance and I let her, I needed the distraction. The kiss was different from Y/N’s, it was rough and faster. Lisa lifted herself up and went on top of me. The next thing I know, she was grinding her waist on me and her face buried on my neck. I gasped when she bit me and I let out a moan when I felt her experienced hands underneath my shirt.

“Rosé, Alice is looking for yo-“

I pulled away and saw a shocked expression from Y/N. Her eyes were glassy, her lips quivered and her voice cracked.

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