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Rosé’s POV

I can’t believe I’m in California now. My older sister, Alice, had been accepted in Stanford Law School and I have to transfer because I can’t live my life without my sister.

You see, I was born in New Zealand and at the age of seven we moved to Melbourne. We moved to Australia because our father left us, and we can’t stand living in a country where everything reminds us of him. After a few years, my mom was diagnosed with cancer and Alice basically had to do all the work. She worked day and night while I was left at home to do the chores and take care of mom.

One day, I came home from school and I went straight to my mom’s room so I can check on her. It was the worst thing a nine year old can see. My mom had cut her wrists. I stood there dumbfounded; I didn’t know what to do. I tried to stop the bleeding but it was too late. As I was waiting for the ambulance to arrive, I saw a crumpled picture of my dad in my mom’s hand. It hurts knowing that my mom didn’t die from cancer,

she died because of my dad.

I was at the waiting room when I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was Alice. Her red puffy eyes told me that mom didn’t make it. I took out a crumpled picture and gave it to Alice.

“I saw this in mom’s hand. I hate him Alice. I really do.”

“I got you. I promise I will protect you and give you everything. We will forget about that man and we’ll start a new life.” Alice told me.

Seven years later and here I am at a café, reading a book that my sister gave me. I notice a girl sipping her coffee a few tables in front of me. She’s wearing a black sleeveless shirt with a blue flannel on top, shorts, a black beanie and a white stan smith kicks.

I saw how she looks at other people inside the café while adjusting her glasses that sit perfectly on the bridge of her nose. She seems so engrossed at studying each person which gave me time to admire her beautiful features.

When her head turned in my direction, I quickly looked at my book and pretend to read. She was making my hands sweat. And when I looked up and our eyes met, I can’t help but smile.

She’s the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

She’s sitting alone and I wonder if she likes to have some company today. So, I took a sip of my coffee and decided to talk to her. On my way towards her, I saw a guy kiss her lips and I immediately felt an unfamiliar pain in my chest. I went back to my seat and gave her a smile when she left the shop.

On my way home, I can’t stop thinking about this cute girl at the café. I know Love at First Sight is too cliché, but I felt it. I thought my heart died with my mother, but that girl made me feel alive again.

I went at Moonshot Café the whole week to see if she’s a regular customer. But every time I go there, my heart feels like it was being stabbed into million pieces. I’m scared of not seeing her again.


It was the first day of school and Alice had to stop me from fidgeting.

“It’s going to be okay Chaeng. You’re going to have lots of friends, and you can join a club or something. Do whatever you want okay? Just enjoy” Alice gave me a reassuring look.

“I’m scared Alice. What if they don’t like me? What if I embarrass myself? What if they’ll think I’m a loser? I’m not as cool as you”

“Just show them who you really are and if they don’t like it, let it be. You don’t have to fit in when you were born to stand out. Other people’s opinions don’t matter, what matters most is what you think of yourself. Besides, the opinion you should listen to are the opinion of people who care for you.”

“Since when did you become so smart Alice?” I smiled at my sister.

“Just smile okay baby?” I nodded.

As I entered the school building, I noticed a lot of students and I immediately started to panic. Someone tapped on my shoulder and I saw a cat eyed girl with a worried look.

“Hey, are you okay?” the girl asked me.

“Yeah, I’m just a bit overwhelmed that’s all.”

“You’re new here right? My name is Jennie Kim and I am more than willing to help you around” she smiled and linked her arms with me.

She looks so intimidating at first, but she seems nice. I showed her my class schedule and she told me that I have four subjects with her so I didn’t have to worry. She showed me my room in my first class and told me to have lunch with her.

Students piled in class and the first period bell rang. A petite woman came in and closed the door. She looks young to be a teacher.

“Good morning class, my name is Ms. Allison Brooke. I will be your Chemistry teacher for this year, and I have high hopes for this class.”

Ms. Brooke is about to write something on the board when the door opens.

“I know you won last year’s championship but that doesn’t mean you can be late in my class Ms. Y/L/N.”

“I’m sorry ma’am, it won’t happen again.”

I thought I was just dreaming when I saw her. She was wearing a black turtleneck top with high-waisted jeans. She looks very attractive in black I should say. I felt myself blush knowing I will see her everyday for a couple of years.

Thank heavens Alice got accepted here in California.

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