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Practice ended and I was at the locker room changing from my jersey when Lisa came in panting.

“Dude! I need a huge favor”

“I am not stealing Ms. Hansen’s questionnaire, Lisa”

“Hey! I studied for her exam okay. Anyway, that’s not it. Rosé’s birthday is coming up and I am planning a surprise party for her. Can you like, distract her while I go to her house and prepare all the stuff? Take her out on a movie or something.”

“Why me? Ask Jennie”

“Knowing Jennie, she’ll probably tell her about my plans”

“Ugh fine”

“Yeeeeey! You’re the bestest friend ever!!” Lisa jumped and I am glad to see her this ecstatic. But my smile faded as soon as I thought of spending an entire day with her.

Fuck, what am I supposed to do with Rosé?


Friday came and I’m not sure how to ask Rosé out without making it too obvious. I spent the entire week planning the itinerary for her birthday, I just wish she would enjoy it.

“Hey Rosie!” she looked at me and smiled. Did you ever feel like you’re in a movie and when someone looks at you, suddenly everything goes into slow motion? Well, it happens whenever Roseanne looks at me.

“Hi Y/N! What’s up?”

“Do you have plans tomorrow?”

“Uhm-I think I’ll just stay at home. Why?”

“Do you want to hang out with meeee? Just us two. I mean if you would like to ask Jen that would be okay too, or Alice.” I want to hit myself on the wall for rambling in front of her….again.

“I would love to hangout with you tomorrow” her smile is definitely my favorite feature on her angelic face, it can literally light up the entire room.

“OKAY! Yes! So, I’ll pick you up tomorrow. Wear something comfy and bring extra clothes.”


“Bye Rosie! I’ll see you!!!!” I ran past her and went straight to my car. I couldn't hide the excitement I'm feeling right now, she just said yes to me!

I mean, it's just a friendly date. Two girls hanging out, except the other one is madly inlove with her "friend".

I rushed to my house to look for something cute to wear tomorrow. I also wrapped my gift to Rosie. I really hope she’ll like it.


I knocked on her door thrice and when the door swung open, I can’t help but smile at her. She looks like a living barbie now that she dyed her hair into blonde. I know she looks good in brown hair but Rosé in blonde is my favorite.

“Wow, you look incredibly beautiful, Rosie.” She cupped her cheeks and I pulled them away, I like seeing her blush. No, scratch that. I love making her blush.

I pulled the car door open and I saw her face turn red, again.

“Have you always been this chivalrous Y/L/N?”

“Only for you my Rosie” I winked at her and it made her laugh.

“So, where are we going today?” she asked.

“You’ll see”


I took her to the aquarium first because I remember how much she likes places like this and also because of her cute pet, Joohwangie. Her eyes widened when we arrived, god she looks so cute!

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