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Rosé’s POV

Today is the day she left me.

I didn’t know why until I saw the photo.

My mom left me ten years ago, but the pain is still unbearable, so unbearable that I sometimes wake up crying in the middle of the night.

I don’t want to forget my mom. I can still remember the way she puts a smiley face on my pancakes with a syrup, the way she holds my hand whenever I scrape my knee, how much she loved flowers, her vanilla scent all over the house, and her warm hugs as she held me close. That’s why I always stay at home during her death anniversary because I want to feel her again.

“Chaeng, please eat something.” I heard Alice’s trembling voice as she sat beside me.

“Why does it still hurt, Alice?”

“Sometimes the people we love the most, hurts us the most.”

We were then interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. Alice shot up and answered the door. I was too busy with my thoughts that I didn’t hear my bedroom door open.

“Hey, why didn’t you come to class today? I called but you didn’t answer. Are you sick?” she placed her warm hand on my forehead which caused me to close my eyes.

She can’t see me like this, vulnerable and broken. I tried to be strong but when I looked at those lovely dark brown eyes, that’s when I started to break down. My heart was breaking in front of her but she only stayed in silence. The silence was soothing but her arms that were wrapped around me made everything better.

“We moved to Melbourne because my dad left us. I didn’t know the reason until I saw his picture with his new family on my mom’s cold hand. My mom didn’t die because she’s sick, she killed herself because of my dad.”


It was heartbreaking to see her like this. I didn’t know she had a dark past and it hurts because I know I can never take all the pain away. All I can do now is be there for her.

“I hate him so much, Y/N.” she continued sobbing against my chest.

“I know how you feel, baby. Trust me, I do. I know you’re mad at him, but don’t let your anger fill your mind and soul. Try to let go and be happy, I’m sure your mom would love that.”

“Thank you, Y/N. You’re the only good thing I have.”

A comfortable silence filled up the room. Her breath steadied after breaking down in front of me and here we are, laying on her bed with her head against my chest and my arms wrapped around her shoulders.



“Promise me you won’t leave me.”

“I promise, my love.”


But she broke her promise when she left me.

What hurts me most is that she didn’t even said goodbye.

A/N: sorry again if this chapter is too short, I'm not feeling well but I hope you guys will still read this until the end. We're down to our last three chapters tho. Love u ❤

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