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It’s the first game against our rival school, Raven High, and I am so excited for this match. My teammates and I have been prepped for this game because Raven High is not just any other team. They have strong defense and teamwork, and their game plan won’t be possible without their captain, Jisoo. She has been my rival ever since I started my career in soccer. She has great statistics too that’s why you can never go easy on her.

“Welcome everyone to the first game of the NCAA. This has been the much-awaited match because we have both teams in our finals last year. So without further ado, let’s welcome, The Ravens!” the announcer said as the fans of Raven High screamed at the top of their lungs.

“Okay guys, this is it. Remember how we played last year. Let’s kick their asses off!” I said to my teammates before we went out to the field.

“Last but definitely not the least, our champion last year, The Cardinals!” our fans screamed as we entered.

I was looking for James but he’s nowhere to be seen, instead I saw Lisa, Rosé and Jennie sitting together at the third row. I gave them a thumbs up when I saw Rosé looking so nervous.

Jisoo and I went to the center spot to call for heads or tails. Jisoo seems to be more relaxed today than our championship match last year. She still looks pretty but a bit skinnier now though.

Anyway, our team is playing offence now and the ball is led by me. I dribbled the ball towards the left side of the field and passed it on to my redhead teammate, Chloe. She’s the second-best player in our team. The fans call us Batman and Robin because with our teamwork combined, we often manage a goal.

I noticed Jisoo run towards Chloe and I sprint towards her to give Chloe a chance to escape her defense. Chloe then passed the ball back to me and I attempted to kick the ball at the top left corner of the goal. I missed my first shot.

The game was getting exciting because we were up 2-0, Chloe and I both scored those points. As the game went by, I notice how the defense of the other team is getting tighter. We barely managed to score the last goal, but our team’s effort is doubled than Raven High.

I was dribbling the ball and Jisoo was attempting to steal the ball from me. She’s really impressive but I know I am better than her. She was getting impatient based on her knitted eyebrows and when she swayed her arm, her elbow came in contact with my nose.

The next thing I know, the whistle was blown and I was laying on the ground, holding my bloody nose.

“Holy shit Y/N! I’m so sorry! It was an accident. I didn’t mean to hurt you!”
Jisoo carefully held on to me as the medic run towards us.

My eyes were blurry because of too much blood that’s been spilling from my nose. The medical team brought me to the clinic so they can stitch me up. I saw someone holding my hand and I noticed that Jisoo never let go of me until I was placed on the bed.

The doctors didn’t allow me to go back to the game even if I told them I was well enough to play.

I lied of course.

The game ended 2-1 and I was glad that my team gave their best regardless of an accident.

After changing into decent clothes, I looked for Lisa to ask if she could give me a ride home. I saw a brunette running towards me and tackled me into a hug. I was taken aback by Rosé’s action.

“Oh my god Y/N! Are you okay? You scared the hell out of me! You were bleeding and I didn’t know what to do”

I hugged her tight, assuring her that I was okay and that it was a part of the game. Accidents always happen especially in sports.

I then felt a hand on my shoulder,

“You okay babe?” James appeared out of nowhere. Rosé let me go and I immediately miss the warmth of her hug.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Where were you? I was looking for you before the game started.”

“I’m sorry I came in late. I had to do some errands.” his eyes never met mine and I definitely know that he’s lying.

“It’s okay. Anyway, I’ll go with the girls now.” I brushed him off and turned my head to Rosé, Lisa and Jennie. I saw James walk away and I asked the girls if we could have dinner together.

“I think I’ll pass. Don’t want to be near you anyway.” Jennie’s remarks made me want to punch her but I don’t have the energy to argue right now. I looked at Rosé and she agreed to grab dinner with us.


We were seated at a booth in a restaurant, stuffing our faces with chicken wings, burger, pizza and fries. It’s funny how our tiny figures can take up that much food.

“James is acting weird lately. He hasn’t called me and he almost missed my game. He knows how important that is to me!” I told them and I saw how Rosé shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

“Don’t worry about him too much. Focus on your broken face first” Lisa snorted making me throw my fries at her.

“Hey Rosé, I forgot to tell you that you should wear a jacket for tomorrow” I shifted my eyes from Lisa to Rosé.

“Oh! Rosé and I have a date tomorrow” Lisa added.

Rosé sat quietly and barely looked at me the entire night. Why didn’t she tell me? I was with her yesterday. This date made my head hurt and I asked them if I could go home already. Lisa dropped me off first and went straight to Rosé’s.

I guess Lisa and Rosé having a date hurts more than a busted nose.

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