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“Y/N, stop”


“Y/N, talk to me!”

I ignored Jennie, I can’t face her knowing I’ll break her heart if I did. She has been there with me through the good and bad times. She’s one of the few people I know I can’t live without.

I stopped walking when Jennie grabbed my wrist and spun me around, facing her. Her soft hands caressing my bruised and bloody face.

“Jennie, I’m sorry. I’m sorry because I can’t return the feelings you have for me. I’m sorry if I keep on hurting you. I'm sorry for leading you on when I'm still not over her. I tried but I can’t seem to forget my feelings for Rosé. I’m so sorry for everything.”

“I understand if you don’t want to be my friend anymore, Jen.” I added.

“Y/N, look at me. Please” and I did. Her glassy eyes managed to break me even more.

“I knew that courting you was risky because you have feelings for someone else, but I won’t forgive myself if I didn’t even try. Yes, it hurts but I still want to be with you. Not romantically of course.” She nervously chuckled.

What did I do to deserve such an amazing friend like her?

“Thank you, Nini. I don’t know what I’ll do without you.”

“Come with me. Let’s clean you up before the principal sees that bloody face”


I spent weeks without talking to Lisa and Rosé. I tried to reach out for Lisa but she just won’t talk to me, so I decided to give her the space she needs. As for Rosé, well, let’s just say I avoided her at all costs. She was mostly alone whenever I see her and it makes me feel bad, but I just can’t be with her right now not after I fix things with my bestfriend.

Lisa’s POV

Y/N and I haven’t talked after the incident. I was hurt because she lied to me. She could’ve been honest with me about her feelings towards Rosé, now look at us.


I felt guilty when I saw what I did to her. She doesn’t deserve a bloody nose, swollen lips and a bruised jaw. What bothered me the most is, why she didn’t fight back. She knew what I was doing but she just let me hurt her.


It was the second game of the finals and I was debating on whether I’ll watch Y/N or not. I decided to watch the game because she needs a strong support system right now. After all, she's still my bestfriend.

Y/N wasn’t doing well. The coach has been yelling at her, her teammates were giving her a disappointed look when she committed a lot of errors during the game. And yes, we lost. I blame myself because I know what’s bothering her.


I decided to end this because I miss her so damn much, it hurts.

She came out of the locker, head down and clenched fists. Her eyes met mine when she looked up and I nodded at her, telling her to come with me. We then sat at the bleachers, not knowing what to say.

“I’m so sorry, Lisa”

“You promised you’d tell me everything, Y/N. You promised to tell me even if it hurts.” a tear rolled down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away.

“You just love her so much, I couldn’t take her away from you.”

“But I love you more, Y/N. You could’ve said you liked her and I would’ve been okay with it.”

“I knew she likes you too because even if we were together, she never looked at me the way she looks at you.” I added. It was painful because I loved Rosé.

“When I started to have feelings for her, I tried to stay away from her. I swear, Lis.”

“I know.” I intertwined our hands and leaned my head on her shoulder.

"Why did you just let me hit you, Y/N?"

"Because I deserve it"

“I really hope you could forgive me someday, Lisa” she kissed the top of my head and pulled me closer. I have never felt safe with anyone, except for her. She has been my rock and I wouldn’t let anything or anyone ruin our friendship.

“I’ll forgive you if you talk to Rosé” her head snapped at me.

“Are you insane?”


“Sooooooooo, will you talk to her?”

“I don’t know how, Lisa”

“Just leave it to me babe”


I planned the whole thing carefully and I just hope that by the end of the night, they’ll kiss and make up.

Prom night came, I quickly dressed up and went straight to Rosé’s house. I knocked on her door three times and waited patiently for her.


“Jeez Chaeng why aren’t you dressed up?!” her confused face almost made me laugh but I remember the little plan I have.


I gently pushed her aside and made my way to her bedroom. WOW! Her room looks like hell right now. Clothes, books and tissues everywhere.

“Uhm, am I in a jungle?” I teased her and I saw her smile for a bit.

I was rummaging her closet when my eyes landed on a baby pink sleeveless dress. I shoved it on her face and she placed it back to the cabinet.

“I’m not going Lisa.”

“Yes you are and if you’re not ready in thirty minutes, I’m gonna have to dress you up by myself”

I was sitting at the couch for about thirty-five minutes now and I was about to go upstairs when I saw Rosé stumble while putting her shoes on. She’s still the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen and I’m really lucky that I once called her mine. I shook my head to forget those thoughts and quickly grabbed her hand and went straight to my car.

I was driving silently when Rosé spoke up.

“What are you doing Lisa? You’re supposed to hate me.”

“I know. But it wasn’t your fault. Your heart beats for her and that’s okay.” I gave her a weak smile.

“I’m really really sorry Lisa”


We stopped in front of Moonshot Café.

“Are you seriously going to buy coffee before going to prom?” she asked me.

“Nope, you are.”

“Why me?”

“Because I can’t leave my car and you still owe me” I hear her groan before exiting the car. Just wait until she sees what’s inside.

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