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Rosie and I have been secretly dating for about eleven months now. She always tells me that it’s okay if no one knows it yet but deep inside my heart I know it isn’t. She doesn’t deserve to be kept in the dark. It was extremely hard because I wasn’t ready to come out yet. I mean you can't blame me after what happened to me before when everyone called me names for "kissing" Jisoo.

But everything changed when Jungkook came in the picture.

Jungkook is this extremely handsome football player in our school. All the girls in our school would give everything just to date this jock, I mean all the girls except Lisa, Jennie, Roseanne and I.

We were eating our lunch at our usual table when he came towards us. At first, I thought he would just ask for some notes to Jennie since he always misses his class but I thought wrong.

“Hey, Rosé! Are you busy after school?”

“Uhm, nope. Why?” Rosé continued eating her lunch, not really paying attention to Jungkook.

“I was wondering if you would like to go out with me?”

I can feel Lisa and Jennie’s eyes on me as I clenched my fist, ready to punch that dirty smirk on his face.

“I’m sorry I can’t. I forgot that I have homework in Geometry that’s due tomorrow.” Rosé politely declined.

All the blood inside my body began to boil when he placed his arm around my girlfriend.

“We can go out tomorrow then?”

“She’s not interested Jungkook” I interrupted.

“I’m not asking you, Y/N.”

“Can’t you see she’s uncomfortable with you?” my voice raised as I remove his arm that’s slightly caressing Roseanne’s shoulder.

“What the hell is your problem, Y/N?”


He ignored me, pushed me aside and took my seat next to my girl.

“Come on, babe. You know you can’t resist me. After all, I’m amazing in bed.”

That’s when all hell broke loose. Everything went red and the next thing I knew, I was on top of him as I lost count on how many times I hit his face. He was disrespecting my girlfriend and he deserves this beating.

“Stay the fuck away from my girlfriend you piece of shit!” I shouted.

And that’s the story of how I came out in our school.


I was sitting at her bed, waiting for her to come out of the bathroom. My hands were full of cuts and bruises but it wasn’t that painful, but I was nervous as hell about what Rosie will say, after all, I got suspended for two days.

She came out of the bathroom with a small medicine box in her hand.

“You shouldn’t have done that, Y/N”

“He was all over you damn it! What do you want me to do?! Watch him? You’re my girlfriend, Chaeyoung, in case you forgot. I'm just protecting you from that asshole!” I was now on my feet, pacing back and forth inside her tiny room.

“Now everyone knows about us.”

“I don’t care anymore Rosie. Let them know.”

“I love you and I want to show you off.” I added as I plopped down the wall with my hands against my face.

I hear a laugh echoed in her room, I looked up and I saw her smiling from ear to ear.

“Why are you laughing?”

“I just find it cute when you get jealous.” she teased. I was frustrated so I decided to stand up and get some fresh air.

“Where are you going baby?”

“I’m going for a walk. Text me when you’re done being silly.” I felt a tug on my wrist as she turned me around and gave me a chaste kiss on the lips.

“I’m sorry for teasing you. it’s just, I’m so happy because we don’t have to hide anymore.”

My anger subsided as those words escaped her lips.

“I have to tell my parents Rosie.”



“Tell them tomorrow, babe”


“Well first, you look so damn hot when you're jealous and second, because I want to fuck you tonight” her eyes turned dark as she bites her luscious lips.

God, this is gonna be an interesting night.


“I have to tell you something. Please don’t be mad.”

I am sitting on the couch with my parents on the other side. I was nervous but I remembered how Rosie was happy about not hiding anymore.

“I’m bisexual. I didn’t realize it until I met this cute girl at the café. We have been dating for almost a year now. I wanted to tell you but I was so scared.”

“Oh, Y/N. Tell me something I don't know.” My stepdad said after laughing.

“What? You mean you knew?”

“Well, you always talk about this certain Rosé girl, you always sneak out and I might have followed you one time.” mom shrugged as if it’s not a big deal.


“We didn’t push you to talk because we wanted you to come out at your own time, honey”

To say that I was shock was an understatement. I was so happy that my heart was pumping so fast. Everything went extremely well that it felt surreal.

“So? When can we meet your girlfriend?”

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