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Classes went by painfully slow and I can’t concentrate knowing that the girl at the café, I mean Roseanne, is sitting two rows behind me. Out of all schools in California, she had to go to my school and what’s worse…. she’s my fucking classmate!

The bell rang and I immediately called my best friend, Lisa.

“Ya Lalisa! What time’s your free period?”

“Why do you need to shout bish? I’m free at my third, why?”

“I’m free today and I was hoping you are too. Anyway, I’ll see you at lunch then.”

As I hung up the phone, I noticed Roseanne hanging out with Jennie. Jennie is basically the smartest girl I know. She aced almost all of her subjects the last time I heard and she’s the president of the honor society of our school. I don’t talk to her since I’m either zoning out or sleeping during class. I usually don’t pay attention to my classes except Math. I own that subject. It’s the only subject I manage to sleep and get an A+.

James and Lisa aren’t available right now, so I decided to go to my safe haven, the music room. A place where I can scream, cry, and pour my heart out. It is where I make my own music. I know I should be studying our game plan for this season, but I just couldn’t think straight right now.

So, I grabbed my guitar and started singing…

It’s amazing how you can speak right to my heart.
Without saying a word, you can light up the dark.
Try as I may I could never explain.
What I hear when you don’t say a thing.

“I didn’t know you have an amazing voice”

I stopped singing and snapped my head towards the door. There she stood wearing her signature smile. I didn’t notice how cute she looks with that light pink oversize hoodie, black pants and white converse until now.

“I-uh yeah” I seriously want to slap myself right now. I can’t stutter in front of her!

“I haven’t heard that song” Rosé said while walking towards me.

“I wrote it. I mean I just thought of it right now.” Thank god I managed to form a proper sentence.

“You really are talented huh. I mean you’re the captain of the soccer team, plays the guitar and has a stunning voice.” She added.

“Uhmm thanks?”

“My name is Roseanne Park. But you can call me Rosé”

“You can call me Y/N”

“Do you want to know something about me? You know, since I just heard you sing, and I think it’s nice to say something not everyone knows about me” Rosé asked me.

“Yeah of course”

“I’ve been going back to that café ever since I laid my eyes on you that day. I was hoping to see you again and talk to you. But you didn’t come back and when I saw you in class, I knew I had to know your name”


“Anyway, I should go now. Don’t wanna be late in my class. See you around Y/N” she gave me a shy smile then left.

I sat at the corner of the room trying to process what she just said. Does it mean she wants to be my friend? She doesn’t even know how much I’m dying to be friends with her but she’s friends with Jennie, I can’t be around with that girl! Want to know why? Because I almost got kicked out of this shit hole. She saw me cheating once and told my teacher about it. My dog died a week before our exam and I couldn’t focus. I know I should have studied but can you blame me?

Anyway, why can’t I stop thinking about Rosé? Why does she give me this mysterious vibe? Why does she makes me want her more?

Why does… why does she make me happy?

After my free period, I went to my next class. I didn’t understand anything since I was zoning out… again. Ugh fuck you brain!

Lunch came and I spotted Lisa. When she saw me, she smacked the back of my head.

“The fuck was that for?” I laughed while putting a cold apple on my head.

“You were supposed to pick me up today bitch! I called you a billion times! Good thing my dad was still home and gave me a ride before going to work.” Lisa yelled at me.

“Oh shit I totally forgot babe. James picked me up and I forgot to tell him that we’re supposed to go to your house.” I tried to explain.

“I’m sooooooooowy” I pout which caused her to groan.

“Don’t give me that fucking look and don’t pout at me” she tried covering her eyes but I showered her face with kisses.

“Ewww stop it Y/N!” she laughed and I knew my charm worked… it always does.

I felt hands around my waist and I immediately knew who it was.

“If I didn’t know you guys are best friends, I will definitely be jealous.” James stated, earning a gagging noise from Lisa.

“Dude, I know I’m gay but hell no! Y/N is not my type”

“Wow nice to know I’m attractive to you Lisa” I sarcastically said while biting my apple.

“Besides, I have my eyes on a certain brunette” Lisa added while looking at someone three tables in front of us. I saw the girl she’s referring to and I immediately choked up.

Heads turned to me as I find myself tearing up because I can’t fucking breathe.

“Shit Y/N!” Lisa was dying of laughter while James tried to pat my back.

“Here, take this” I looked up and saw a concerned Rosé holding out a bottle of water for me.

“Thank you Rosie” great, now she thinks I’m a loser.

“You’re welcome. I hope it’ll make you feel better”

“You fucking knew her and you didn’t tell me! That’s strike two bitch, one more and I’ll find another best friend” Lisa whisper-yelled at me after Rosé walked away.

“She’s in my chemistry class and I just met her okay? And besides, you won’t find another best friend.. you love me too much” I calmly stated receiving a playful glare from Lisa.

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