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It was a rainy Thursday afternoon and I was seated at my usual spot at the café. There’s this couple that I’ve been looking at for a while now and I can’t help but think of what could’ve happened between us if we didn’t break up. The girl was clinging onto her girlfriend and they manage to steal kisses from time to time.

It reminded me of a certain blonde. Oh, how much I miss her laugh, her smile. Her lips. My heart clenched when I suddenly remember the time I was too busy studying in this café and she was trying to get my attention by putting an icing on my face, I wasn't furious but I wanted to get back at her so I showered her face with kisses.

I looked away from the couple before me and just observe the place I called my second home.

The place isn’t the same and I noticed my friend, Irene, hasn’t returned from the restroom yet. A couple of hours passed when she came out looking like a complete wreck and at the same time, the sound of the bell was heard, signaling a customer has entered the shop.

She was wearing my hoodie and a smile crept up my face when I remember the time she stole it from me, claiming it was hers.

Roseanne was a bit hesitant but she still managed to go by the counter. I saw Irene give her a warm hug and just let her sit at the far end corner. She was looking down the whole time and I fight the urge to cry because it hurts to see her like this. So lifeless. And when she looked at my direction, that’s when she started to break down and run away.

She's always like this and I know she hasn't moved on from me. I hate how I still manage to make her cry after all this years.

My feet led me towards the direction I knew she went. Not a day goes by that I didn’t regret going home that day. I should’ve stayed when she ran after me. I should’ve been the one hurting, not her.

There she sat at the grass, her hands against her face as she tries to fight back the tears that are falling in her eyes.

“Why did you leave me, Y/N?”

“You promised. You promised you’d stay with me, remember?”


Rose’s POV

“Y/N! Stop!” I called for her name but she didn’t look back. I knew it wasn’t her fault and I want her to come back to me.

“Are you serious Chaeyoung?! You still love her after all of this?”

“It wasn’t her fault Alice! Mason is the one to blame, not her.” it was true though. I let my emotions control me and I blame myself for pushing her away.

I tried to call her but her phone’s probably dead or she turned it off. The events that happened broke both of us and I'm sure she needs time to take it all in. So I decided to give her the space she needs.

The first time I met her stepdad was still lingering in my mind. Her mom looked awfully familiar but I couldn't pinpoint where I saw her but then Mason stepped in and every fucked up memory of my past kicked in. I wanted to shout at him, I wanted to hurt him so bad but I know how much Y/N loves him so I decided to act casual even if it’s killing me to be in the same room as him.

I should’ve told Y/N the truth instead of her finding out this way.

It has been two days since I last saw her and I finally mustered up all the courage to talk to her. I don't care if she still wants me back, all I want right now is to tell her I love her.

I was about to leave the house when I hear someone knocking at my front door.

“Jisoo?” her bloodshot eyes made my stomach turn and that moment I knew something bad happened, because Jisoo never cries in front of anyone.

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