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Rosé's POV

It's been a month since Y/N and I shared that special moment in the café. It's been a month yet here I am reminiscing what happened that day.


"Can you play something for me then?"

I was surprised when she asked me to play for her. I've never sang to someone because it feels too personal to me. Singing in front of someone meant giving them the power to know what's going on inside my head.

But today is different, I felt the courage I've never shown anyone before.

"Any request?"

"Surprise me"

Today, I want her to know what effect she has on me. Today, I will let her know that she took my heart the moment we met.

I've been listening to the radio when this song played and I immediately knew who it was for. It was for the girl with glasses. The girl I fell inlove with at the café. The girl who took my heart and never gave it back.

I strum the guitar and prepare to pour my heart out.

You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You're beautiful, it's true
I saw your face in a crowded place
And I don't know what to do
'Cause I'll never be with you

I looked at her when I sang the last line and I didn't realize that a tear has escaped my eye. The pain that I've been bottling up inside was exposed to her.
She is in love with someone and he loves her too, right? Those words keep on replaying inside my head.

I was about to sit when she grabbed my hand and pulled me in for a hug. A simple gesture that made my heart flutter because I never thought of having her this close to me.

I wanted to tell her that I saw James with a girl, I wanted to tell her that he lied to her. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe James and this mysterious girl are just friends. But why would he lie to her girlfriend if he loves her, right?

"You're perfect" she whispered in my ear. She pulled away and put her hands on my face.

"I know we've just met but I just want you to know that you can tell me anything. You will always have me Rosie" tears rolled down my cheeks and she wiped them off with her delicate fingers.

All my life it was just Alice and I. I have friends but none of them seem to be this close to me, they never took the time to break down my walls. Now I have Y/N and I swear I will do everything I can to keep her with me.

We left the place and she decided to walk me home since my house is just a few blocks away from the shop. She won't take no for an answer and I couldn't refuse her when she made this puppy-eyes.

"I had a wonderful time Rosie. I'm sorry if I pushed you to sing on stage." she said as she grabbed my waist and put me on the safe side of the street. Can she be any more perfect?

"Don't be sorry. I will sing a thousand times for you if it makes you happy" I looked at her and noticed a little blush on her face.

We arrived in front of my house and we bid our goodbyes. I was about to walk away when she stopped me and place a chaste kiss on my left cheek.

"Thank you for today Rosie, have a good night."

(end of flashback)

Weeks passed and my feelings grew stronger for her. She sits beside me during class and I took the time to memorize her face whenever she falls asleep throughout the lecture. During lunch, I always buy her an apple because I know it's her favorite. I just couldn't get enough of her.

Now I'm sitting at the bleachers, watching her pass the ball to her teammates. They have their first game tomorrow against our rival school and I can see how determined she is to win.

"You do know she's taken right?" Jennie surprised me with her question.

"What are you talking about?" I tried to act cool but Jennie doesn't seem to buy my innocence.

"I know you like her. I can see the way you look at her during class and at the hallways. You're practically drooling over her" she said while giving me this look that I can't read.

"I look at her like that because it's killing me that I saw James with another girl, and I don't know how to tell Y/N." I honestly told my friend because I can't hide it anymore.

"Seriously? But he's all over Y/N most of the time"

"That's the problem Jennie! He acts like this perfect boyfriend but in reality, he's just cheating on her." I closed my eyes before my tears start to fall.

"Yo what's up ladies!" Lisa shouted making me look at Jennie, asking not to tell Y/N's best friend.

"Lisa, what the hell are you doing here?" I can see that Jennie is pissed because Lisa interrupted our conversation.

"I'm not here for you Jennie. I was just about to ask Rosé if she would like to go on a date with me" I snapped my head towards Lisa to see if she's messing around.

She isn't.


"I'd take that as a yes then. I'll pick you up on Saturday at ten in the morning" Lisa walked away, giving me no time to answer her question.

"Be careful with her Rosé. She will make you fall in love with her then leave you hanging in the end."

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