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“You look familiar Y/N” I find it extremely uncomfortable when someone stares at me, especially when it’s Rosé’s older sister.

“Ah, Chaeng must’ve shown me a picture of yours” now it’s Rosé’s turn to blush. She went to her sister to try to shoo her away, but Alice didn’t budge.

“You’re all she talks abou-“

“It’s so nice to finally meet the gir-"

Alice couldn’t form a complete sentence because Rosie keeps on covering her mouth. I find it really cute how Chaeyoung’s face is flushed right now.

“Shut up Alice!"

“You know, I’m really surprised when she said she has a girlfriend. But, when I asked her who she is, she said Leslie. I mean I thought it was yo-” I faked a laugh because it’s getting awkward, at least for me.

“Her name is Lisa, not Leslie” Rosé gave up on her sister and went to the bathroom to change, leaving me sitting on her bed with Alice.

“She’s been talking a lot about you, Y/N. She said that you’re super smart and that you have an amazing voice. I remember she went home one time with a crazy smile plastered on her face, she told me she saw this beautiful girl with glasses at the café. She even said that you’re her girl crush”

“Do you find my sister pretty?” my heart is beating crazy, I’m pretty sure the whole neighborhood can hear it.

“I-uh, yeah. She’s beautiful. Rosie’s a lovely girl”

“What the hell are you two talking about?” nice timing Roseanne.

“Nothing, Y/N just agreed to have dinner with us.”

“You did?” I swear I can feel Rosé’s excitement by the tone of her voice. I looked at Alice who’s wearing a smirk.

“Yep, if you don’t mind of course”


Days passed and I can say that I’m starting to accept Rosé and Lisa’s relationship. Sometimes Jennie would distract me by pulling me away from those lovebirds and honestly, I am grateful to her. Jennie is also getting clingy lately. Not a day goes by without her giving me hugs and kisses. She drags me everywhere she goes and I’m not complaining though.

I am currently at the library with the girls when Jennie pulled my notebook away from me.

“Psssst Y/N!”

“What do you want Jen?”

“Will you be my date to the prom?”

Is she serious? Lisa’s wide eyes and Rosé’s sad ones made me shift on my seat.

“Are you two together?” Lisa asked.

“Nope, but I’m planning to win her heart over. So, what do you say?” Jennie turned her head to me.

“Jennie, prom is in three months”

“And? I asked you this early because I’m pretty sure lots of guys and girls will ask you out now that everyone knows you’re single. Please say yes?”

“I’m still not sure if I will attend prom.”

“WHAT?!” Lisa and Jennie yelled earning a “ssshhh” from the librarian.

“Prom is not my thing, or any party. I prefer to stay at home and chill”

“But, prom is like a huge event in highschool.” Lisa said.

“Exactly. You know how much I hate large crowds.”

“Okay. I will ask you again next time, in case you change your mind” Jennie gave me a peck on the cheek before leaving.

“I’ve never imagined in my entire life that Jennie will ask you out, you guys were like sworn enemies before.”

“Drop it Lisa. Y/N doesn’t want to talk about it” Rosé spoke up.

I noticed her and I swear I have never seen her like this. The pencil's lead even broke because of her tight grip and I can also see flames in her eyes.

Is she jealous?


I was about to exit the school building when someone’s arms wrap around my waist. I jumped in surprise but relaxed immediately when I saw a smiling Jennie.

“Jen, what are you doing? People are starting to suspect us being gay. Your parents will definitely get mad if they find out”

“I actually came out last Saturday. They weren’t happy of course but I’m their only child and they decided to accept it”

“I’m happy for you Nini” I remember how she trembled in fear the first time she opened up to me about her sexuality, but look at her now, confident and happy as ever.

“Y/N, I know you like Rosé but please just give me a chance."

"What do you mean, Jen?"

"What I said at the library was true. I want to win your heart over. I lied when I told you that I was trying to see if I moved on from Irene the day I kissed you at the music room."

"I don't know what to say Jennie"

"You really don’t have to love me back, just let me show you how much you mean to me.”

Jennie has been nothing but a great friend to me and I'm scared that if we tried to make things work, I'd lose her. But when I look at her brown eyes, I knew I had to take the risk.

“Okay Jen”

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