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“Babe, can we have dinner tonight?”

It’s been days since James and I had a proper talk. I don’t know why he’s being distant lately. I tried to rearrange my schedule so that I can spend time with my boyfriend but it’s always “I can’t Y/N”, “I have to run some errands”, “I have practice today” and “Can we do it some other day?”.

I wanted to tell Lisa about my problem with James but she’s always with Rosé. Although we sit together during lunch break, I really miss being alone with my best friend.

“I can’t, I have an exam tomorrow. Need to study” I let out a sigh knowing I’ll get this kind of answer from him.

“Hey Y/N, what’s wrong? You haven’t touched your food yet.” Lisa asked.

“I asked James if we could have dinner tonight”

“What did he say?”

“He’s busy.” I looked at Rosé across the table and she gave me a weak smile. My phone vibrated and I hoped James changed his mind.

“Hi! Are you free tonight?” an unknown number texted me.

“It’s Jisoo btw 😊”

“Hello! Yeah I’m free tonight, why?”

“Do you want to hang out? I know it’s a school night but we will be back before you know it. I found out this really cool place and I was hoping you’d like it.”

I find it sweet when she remembered me, and I can’t help but smile at her message. Lisa seemed to notice the change in my mood.

“Who’s texting you?”

“Hmmm, a friend” Lisa placed her hands on her chest and gasped dramatically.

“You have other friends besides us Y/N? Omygod my baby girl is all grown up!”

“Shut up”

I looked at my phone and decided that it won’t hurt to hang out with my newfound friend.

“I would love to go with you. Text me the details.” I turned my phone off and noticed that the three girls are looking at me, seemingly waiting for an answer.

“I’ll be going out with Jisoo tonight, happy?” the girls were shocked at my revelation and Rosé accidentally poured her soda over the table.

“Wait, the Jisoo? Kim Jisoo from Raven High? Jisoo, the captain Jisoo?” Lisa gasped.

“Yes Lisa, Jisoo from Raven High”

“Why are you going out with her? She’s your rival, remember? I heard that she’s bitchy. The whole school will throw a fit when everyone finds out.” I didn’t know Jennie cared.

“She’s bitchy? Have you looked at the mirror, Jennie? You don’t know her yet you already judged her. And so what if people will see us together? Let them mind their own fucking business. I don’t need anyone’s approval.”

I know it was harsh but Jennie needs to know how to stop judging people without knowing them.

“Hey, we’re just surprised because we didn’t know you’re friends with her.” Lisa tried to calm me down.

“I’m sorry. We met at the hospital when I had my nose checked. She told me that she felt bad about what she did to my nose and asked if we could go out some time. She’s pretty nice okay? She didn’t let go of my hand when I was transferred to the clinic. So please stop judging her. I really like her.”

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