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Jisoo’s POV

It’s the final round of the championship match today and I am extremely nervous, not because of the game, but because I finally decided to tell Y/N about my feelings towards her.

Whether my team wins or not, I will tell Y/N that I love her.

She was there for me when no one else was, she was my anchor, she held me in place when I was about to give up. Her presence alone made me sane. I know I should’ve given up on her when she told me about her feelings to Rosé, but a part of me hoped that I might have a chance with her.

Everyone thinks I'm living in a perfect world. My grades were high enough that I could even apply for ivy league schools, I'm one of the top players, girls and boys practically beg for my attention but not a single soul knows how broken I really am, except for Y/N.

I don't know why I told her about my life. The moment I saw her in the football field, wearing that beautiful smile, I knew she's special. The way she cared for everyone, even the players against her team, made me even love her more. Don't get me started with those big brown eyes. I even find it cute whenever she wears her glasses when she's too lazy to put her contact lens on. I know she hates it when I compliment her that she has this captivating eyes, she would always tell me how my eyes were more blurry than hers. I also remember the time she had a sleepover in my house. She got pissed when I was playing video games and not paying attention to her.

God, I would give up everything for her.

I just wish that she will give me a chance to prove to her that I'm worthy of her time and her love. That I am not Rosé who will hurt her. But, god, I don't even know if I'm a perfect match for her. After all, I'm just Kim Jisoo (we all know how perfect our little turtle rabbit kim is, right 😊).


It was a neck and neck match between The Cardinals and The Ravens. Y/N was on fire; her offense was so strong that we had to change different plays. Their team didn’t give up as they tied the game to 2-2.

It was down to the last minute when she took the ball away from Seulgi, my teammate. I hurriedly ran towards her and I managed to steal the ball. I tried to run as fast as I could, but she was too fast. So fast that I had to pass the ball to my teammate, Yeri, when I saw that she was wide open. Y/N went straight to her but my teammate being smart enough, passed the ball back to me.

Gasps from the audience were heard throughout the field and shock took over my body when I heard the final blow of the whistle.

We won.

Tears streamed down my face. I did it. My mom would be so proud of me. I could barely breathe when my teammates crushed me with a hug. Y/N was walking across the field when I pulled her in for a tight embrace.

“Congratulations Jichu! I am so proud of you. You deserve it.” a smile appeared on my face after hearing the nickname she gave me. She knows I love it when she calls me that, it made me feel closer to her.

Seeing her happy that we won made my heart flutter because not an ounce of sadness can be seen from her face.

Or is she just good in hiding?

Anyway, come on Jisoo! Tell her you love her!

“Y/N, I want to tell you something.” she pulled away when she noticed the seriousness in my tone. Her eyebrows quirked and her hand caressed my arm.

"Chu, what's wrong?"

This is it Jisoo! You can do this!

“Y/N, I’m inlo-“

I felt someone brush against my shoulder.

It was Rosé.

She engulfed Y/N with a hug and the sky fell down on me when she kissed her in front of me. My heart shattered at the sight that I can't even describe the amount of pain I'm feeling right now. Roseanne got what she wanted and here I was, too late.


“I’m still proud of you baby!” she told Y/N who was smiling from ear to ear.

“Thanks babe!”


“What were you about to say Chu?” her big brown eyes wandered back to me.

“Oh, I just want to say that I owe all of this to you. Uhm, thanks for practicing with me” I managed to say before I bolted away from them.
I may have won the championship cup,

but not her heart.

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