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My heart is still pounding so hard at the thought of Roseanne being my girlfriend. After everything we’ve been through, I was blessed enough to call her mine.

Now here I am, admiring her naked form as she sleeps peacefully beside me. What happened last night was surreal and I admit, I am still on cloud nine. We went to her house to have a movie marathon but it ended way better than what we had planned. I can still remember how her warm body fits perfectly in mine as I memorize every inch of her with my lips.

“Staring is rude you know” she said while slowly opening her brown eyes.

“I still can’t believe you’re mine, Rosie” her lips curled upwards when she heard my confession.

I felt the familiar butterflies in my stomach when she closed the gap between us. The kiss was so much different than last night. It was gentle and I can feel my heart bursting out of my chest. What did I do to deserve a woman like her?

“I will never leave you, Y/N. I’m sure we’ll face a lot of problems along the way but always know that my heart belongs to you.”


Monday came and I quickly sent a good morning message to my girlfriend to remind her that I’ll be picking her up from now on. She’s hesitant at first but she eventually gave in.

“Bye mom!” I shouted as I descended the stairs.

”Woah, woah! Why are you leaving so early? You should eat your breakfast first”

“I can’t mom. I have to uh-pick up Lisa.”

I haven’t told my mom about Rosie, not even about my sexuality. I remember the time she gave a disgusted look at a gay couple and even gave a rude comment about them. I didn’t know I was bisexual that time so I wasn’t affected about it. Thinking about it now, well, I just wish she will accept me for who I am.

I arrived at Rosé’s house and I saw her patiently waiting at the porch. Her smile widened as I exited the car with a single rose behind my back. The flower I’ve been holding almost fell as I felt her body collide with mine, her slender arms wrapped around my neck.

“I miss you so much, my love.” I said as I showed her the red rose. I heard a squeal and I knew she liked it. If giving her things like this would make her happy, then I will give her flowers for the rest of my life. I will build a garden full of roses just to see her smile.

“It’s beautiful Y/N!”

“But not as beautiful as you, Rosie” she placed her head against my chest, her cheeks flushed in red. I lifted her chin up and gave her a passionate kiss. I will never get tired of kissing those heart-shaped lips.

“Jeez, get a room you two!” Alice shouted behind us and I hear Rosé laugh at her sister’s comment.


Rosé grabbed my hand after I turned off the car ignition.

“We don’t have to tell anyone about us, Y/N. I know you’re not yet ready to come out and I am honestly okay with it.”

“I’m sorry I haven’t told my mom yet, Rosie. I’m scared on how she will react.”

“It’s okay, love. Do you want me to be there when you tell your parents?” to say that I was surprise was an understatement. Having her by my side when I come out will definitely lessen my anxiety.

“I would love that, baby” I gave her a quick kiss before we exited the car and head towards the school building.

When we walked towards the locker area, I saw Lisa invading Jennie’s personal space. I looked at my girlfriend and she seems to be surprised as well. I cleared my throat and they immediately stepped away from each other.

“What am I missing, Manoban?” a smirk appeared on my face when I saw Lisa’s red cheeks.


“You really need to put make-up on that” I pointed at a purple mark on her neck. Her flushed cheeks turned pale when she looked at the mirror on her locker.

“Damn it! Jennie, I told you to cover it up properly!”

“Oooooh someone had a good time” I teased the shit out of her and she quickly locked my head with her arms. Her hands brushed my neck a couple of times, revealing the hickeys underneath the make-up.

“I knew you got laid too bitch. You have that after-sex look”

“I seriously don’t know how to keep up with these two dorks” Jennie told Chaeyoung as they walk away together.

A/N: another filler chapter. So sorry guysss 😭

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