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Rosé didn’t come to school after the uneventful dinner she had with my parents. I called her multiple times to ask her if she’s okay, she said she’s not feeling well and that I didn’t have to go to her house because Alice is taking care of her. I did not listen because as a girlfriend, it is my job to take care of her.

Being a stubborn ass, I went straight to her house after class. The door was locked and her sister’s car wasn’t parked too. So I used the spare key that she gave me a few weeks ago. What I saw when I entered the house was terrifying. It was a total wreck, furnitures were turned upside down and shards of glass scattered at the floor.

“Roseanne!” I quickly headed towards her room, but she wasn’t there. I checked her bathroom, silently hoping she's there. But she wasn't. I noticed that her closet was opened and tears start to form in my eyes when I saw all her clothes were gone.

“Chaeyoung!” I cried while searching for a sign of her in every room.

Please don’t do this to me, Rosie.

For the first time in my life, I was scared to death.

My lips started to tremble and my hands started to shake. Is this true? Could she leave me like this?

I ran as fast as I could and drove off to Jennie’s house, hoping she knows something I didn’t.


“Jennie, open up!” I choked up when I remember my girlfriend’s empty house.

“Y/N?” I saw Lisa behind Jennie, confusion written all over their faces when they saw me.

“Jennie, did you know where Chaeyoung went?”

“No, why? She was with you the last time I saw her.”

“Y/N, what happened?” Lisa said as she stood in front of me.

“Rosie left”


I was a mess at Jennie’s room. They did everything they could to comfort me. They even tried to call Roseanne but she wasn’t answering.

"I swear I'm gonna kill Rosé if she doesn't pick her fucking phone up!"

"Stop it Lisa. You're making it worse" Jennie said while holding me.

"I'm making it worse? She left without giving Y/N a reason and do you expect me to calm down?! She hurt my bestfriend!"

"Roseanne is my bestfriend too, Lisa. We both know damn well that she's inlove with Y/N and she won't leave her like that. She will come around when she's ready. Let's just wait"

Jennie’s bedroom door suddenly swung open, I look up and my eyes met another pair of worried eyes.

Her arms wrapped around me and kissed the top of my head.

“Why did she leave me, Jisoo?” I sobbed against her and I hear her give a heavy sigh.

“She must’ve had a reason, Y/N. She’ll come around.”

I honestly hope so.


Jisoo gave me a ride home after I calmed down. She even offered to stay with me but I refused, I need some time alone.

“Omygod honey! What happened?” my mom said when she saw my state and starts to brush away the tears rolling down my cheek.

“Rosé left me and I don’t know why.”

“I’m so sorry to hear that baby”

“I’ll go get some rest mom.”

My thoughts kept me up all night. I didn’t know what exactly happened but here I am, wishing everything will be alright, that this is just a nightmare and I can’t wait to wake up. She will never leave me because she promised, we promised we will never leave each other.

A light knock was heard and I weakly stood up to see who it is. It was Mike.

“Hey, I heard about what happened with you and Rosé.”

“Here” he gave me a slip of paper with an address in it.

“She might be there”

“Dad, how would you know?”

“You’ll know the truth when you go there”

I was more than confused now but I didn’t have time, I had to see Rosé.
It took me two hours to get to her, two hours to come up with questions.


“Rosie, please come out if you’re in there! Please open up.” I banged at the front door.


But before I could say something, she was over me, her fists colliding with my face but I was too startled that I couldn’t even defend myself. Alice was a sweet girl and I have never imagined seeing her like this.

“It was your fault!”

“Our mom died because of you!” she keeps on punching me while spitting those venomous words to me.

“Alice, stop!” I heard Rosie’s voice crack as she drags her sister away from me.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Alice.” I tried to push myself up from the pavement when I saw Rosé.

“Mason left us for you!”

“I don’t know who Mason is!”

A crumpled picture was thrown against my chest and when I picked it up, my head started to spin and suddenly, I couldn’t move. It's like I was trapped in a messed up world. It was a picture of me, my mom and Mike, or should I say, Mason.

"That's why you're too familiar when Chaeng introduced you to me. Of all the people in the world, she had to fall inlove with you!"

It’s all starting to make sense now, how Roseanne reacted when she saw my stepdad and how Mason told me that I’ll know the truth when I go here.

My heart was aching at the thought of breaking someone else’s family, let alone my girlfriend’s family. I have seen Roseanne breakdown multiple times whenever she remembers her mom or her dad. Little did I know, she suffered years because of me.

Tears stream down my face as I look at the girl I love. I didn’t move an inch towards her because I’m scared that she’d break if I touch her.

“I didn’t know, Alice. He didn’t tell us that he had a family. The last thing I want to do is hurt both of you.”

“I am so sorry for ruining your life. I am sorry if I took him away from you. I’m sorry if your mom died because of me. I am truly sorry.”

“I love you, Rosie"

"Forever and Always.”

Those were the last words I said before I walked away. I didn’t even bother to look back when I heard Roseanne call for me.

A/N: sooo Mason changed his name to Mike when he left his family. I changed it so you won't get suspicious in the beginning and I hope you liked the plot twist 😄 anyway, we're down to our final chapter.

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