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Lisa's POV

"Dude stop staring at her" Y/N told me for the hundredth time. I can't help but stare at Rosé during lunch, she's like an angel sent from heaven.

"She's different you know." I defended myself.

"I remember you saying that before, Lisa. I know you like to play with girls but keep Rosé out of it."

I don't know why Y/N is being so serious about it, I mean she doesn't pay attention to the girls I used to date.

"Y/N, I know I have that kind of reputation but give me some credit now okay? I think Rosé will change me. I think she's the one." I don't know if Y/N heard me because she suddenly shut up or she just gave up on our argument.

"Hey babe, I have to go. I forgot to submit my music to Ms. Kordei, she told me to give it to her after I finished writing it. I'll call you later, okay? I'll see you later Lisa." Y/N quickly stood up leaving both James and I confused.

"What's wrong with her? Did I do something?" I asked James hoping he knows the answer.

"I honestly don't know Lisa. She's acting really weird since this morning and she just told me she's stressed out about the season"

I hope I didn't upset Y/N. She's like my sister and I hate fighting with her, I mean we didn't fight, right? I just explained what I feel about Rosé and she got so serious.

"Ahhhhh I know why she's being like that!" James gave me a questioning look.

"She's on her period."

The bell rang ending our lunch period. I decided to go to my next class since I have no choice anyway. I looked at my schedule and I'm starting to sweat now, it's Math. I swear if Y/N isn't with me on this class, I will definitely fail. She's a fucking genius in algebra, x and y shit, while I suck in every subject. I admire my best friend; she's my idol and she doesn't even know it.

She's good in academics, she's the team captain of our soccer team, she has a healthy relationship, she plays guitar, she has a voice to die for and she has a very big heart. She's this ideal girl every guy or girl fantasizes over while I'm her complete opposite. I'm a failure in everybody's eyes except for Y/N, that's why she's the person I love and trust the most.

I was looking at the door hoping Y/N will come in. When I saw her, I gave the biggest smile and called her over. Luckily, the seat beside me is still available. She sat beside me and winked at me. While Y/N and I were talking, I saw two girls entered the room and I swear my heart just stopped at the moment.

"Hey Rosé! Come sit here!" I shouted while I saw Jennie rolled her damn eyes and whispered something to Rosé.

"Seriously Lisa, are you blind? She's with Jennie." Y/N face palmed herself.

I saw Rosé and Jennie walk towards us.

"If it wasn't for Rosé, I won't be sitting in front of you" Jennie sarcastically said.

"Hey Y/N! I'm so happy you're here. Are you okay by the way?" Rosé ignored Jennie's comment and asked Y/N about the incident a while ago. I felt a little bit jealous because I was the one who asked them to be here and Y/N is not even paying attention, she's looking at her desk and not at the girl I'm dying to ask for a date.

"Ugh yeah I'm fine. Thanks for the water" Y/N gave her a nervous smile and looks away instantly. I saw disappointment in Rosé's eyes when Y/N looked away. Is there something going on that I don't know about?

"That's the best you can say Y/L/N? Don't you want to tell her that you almost got kicked out last year?" I really want to hit Jennie with my desk right now. Y/N stood up and walked towards Jennie.

"Shut up Jennie. You don't know anything so I suggest you sit down before I throw you out of this room, you know I won't think twice".

"Y/N, stop it. She's not worth it" I held her hand and assisted her back to her seat before a fucking grudge match happens. I smiled at Rosé and mouthed "I'm sorry", she just nodded and sat down.

"Okay class, welcome to Geometry. For those who don't know me yet, my name is Dinah Jane Hansen and I'm the coolest teacher you'll ever meet." Miss Hansen said while flipping her hair.

"Yeah right" I heard Y/N scoffed.

"Shut it Y/L/N. I know I'm your favorite person in the world" Ms. Hansen fired back causing laughter in the room. Y/N is her student assistant that's why they're pretty close. Whenever she's not in soccer practice, she's helping Miss Hansen in tutoring students.

To be honest, I wasn't paying attention to the lecture not because I can't understand a thing but because of a certain brunette in front of me. Her eyes were fixed at the board and she seems interested about the topic. I find it really cute when she shifts in her sit and taps her head with a pen.

As soon as the class ended, Rosé looked back at me.

"I have no idea what just happened in this class" she honestly told me while raising both of her eyebrows. I didn't notice her perfectly sculpted eyebrows before but damn, she really is a piece of art.

"I thought I was the only one babe!" I raised my hand and we high-fived each other. I felt butterflies in my stomach when our hands touched.

"Hey listen, if you want to know more about geometry, my best friend here can teach us. She's a genius" I pointed towards Y/N and Rosé nodded eagerly.

"Yo Y/N! Can you teach us this shit? Rosé and I are having a hard time catching up with the lesson."

"First of all, Math is not shit. Second of all, I don't see a problem in tutoring both of you. Although you need to pay me for this."

"How much do we need to pay you?" Rosé asked.

"You just need to buy me a caramel macchiato and we will study either in Lisa's place or at Moonshot"

"Deal" Rosé extended her hand and Y/N shook it, but it took longer than I expected. Rosé then took out her phone and handed it to Y/N.

"Put your cell number in so I could text you my schedule." Jennie and I exchanged glances. I am definitely missing something.

"Rosé let's go. My eyes are burning from looking at these ugly faces" Jennie's comment made me look at my best friend.

"See you around Rosie" Y/N said and walked away. If my eyes could kill, Jennie will definitely drop dead by now.

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