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The first period bell rang and I rushed towards the door to find my best friend. I called her multiple times but it always went straight to voicemail.

“Lisa! Please answer the phone”

“Nothing happened. You have to believe me”

“I will never lie to you, please pick up”

As I hear students whisper through the corridor about me, I swiftly made my way to the music room. I know the rumors are not true but it hurts knowing the people you cared about, don’t seem to believe you.

I didn’t know how much time I spent crying in the room because the next thing I know, students were piling up at the cafeteria for lunch. I tried to find my way towards our table and to my luck, the girls were there.

“Lisa! The rumors are fake, I swear!” I hugged Lisa but she quickly pushed me away.

“How come? Jisoo was kissing you! I woke up and saw the damn pictures. You should’ve told me you’re gay! I’m your best friend Y/N in case you didn’t know.”

“I’m not gay Lisa! Yes Jisoo kissed me, but it wasn’t on the lips. I will never lie to you, to any of you.” I turned to Rosé as I felt hot tears run down my cheeks. Lisa seemed surprise because I rarely cry, at least in front of her.

“I’m sorry I lashed out on you, Y/N. I should’ve asked you first. I’m sorry baby. I believe you, I promise” now its Lisa’s turn to cry.

“What the fuck Y/N?! You fucking cheated on me with a girl?!” James harshly pulled me up and a little whimper escaped from my lips.

“Let her go” I heard Rosé’s voice for the first time today. I wanted to hold onto her, I want her to hold me tight, to take all the pain away, to run away with me.

“And who the fuck are you to tell me what to do with my girlfriend?

“You don’t deserve to be her boyfriend. After all, you cheated on her with Chloe.” I saw Jennie hold on to Rosé’s shoulder. I looked at her, to see if she’s lying, but her eyes were burning towards James who stood speechless.

“I heard you over the phone with Y/N on the first day, you told her you will go to your uncle’s house but you didn’t. I saw you in the car with Chloe. At first I thought you’re just friends but you keep on ditching Y/N so you could go over to Chloe’s. You’re just a lying son of a bitch.”

“You bitch!” James released me from his grasp and went straight ahead to push Rosé to the ground.

I saw scratches on her arms and the next thing I know, James was on the floor as I took a sharp swing on his mouth. My knuckles were red and my heart was pounding hard, so hard that it will burst out of my chest anytime.

“Don’t you ever touch her again and I swear it will not just be a broken lip next time. We’re done James.” I told him as he quickly got up and left.

The whole cafeteria was dead silent, you can practically hear a hairpin fall to the ground. Lisa, Jennie and Rosé’s shocked faces made my heart sink. I didn’t know I was capable of hurting someone physically, so I rushed towards the nearest exit and went straight to my car. I need to get out of here, fast.


My phone has been flooded by Rosé and Lisa’s messages, asking where I went. I couldn’t face them right now, not after what happened. So I turned my phone off and went home.

I was about to park my car when I saw Jisoo sitting on the porch. She ran towards me and I fell on her arms, crying my heart out.

“I was calling you but you didn’t pick up, so I went here.” Jisoo’s touch was different than Rosé’s, it was a mixed feeling of security and affection. She held me tight but gentle at the same time, it’s as if I’m this fragile vase ready to break anytime.

She took me straight to my bedroom, put me to bed and stormed out of the room. I was confused as to why she left me like that but my negative thoughts slipped away when I saw her holding a glass of water.

“Why aren’t you in school?” I asked her after I gulped the liquid inside the glass.

“I was going to but then I saw pictures in my social media and I tried to contact you. I know you’re popular in your school so the picture will definitely affect your reputation. And it was my fault that it happened. If I didn’t kiss you that day, you wouldn’t be in this mess.”

“None of it was your fault Jisoo. It’s not the picture that I was upset about, its James”

“Wait, what?”

“He’s been cheating on me and Rosé knows it. She’s my friend and she should’ve told me.”

Jisoo tried to grab my hand to comfort me, but I flinched at the contact. She saw my bruised knuckles and I told her everything that happened today.

“I know punching James on the face wasn’t the right thing to do, but seeing him hurt Rosé turned me into some kind of monster.”

“I’m glad you broke up with him Y/N. He doesn’t deserve you.”

“You should go back to school Jisoo. I’m fine now, don’t worry.”

“I’m not leaving you all alone here. Besides, I’m too lazy now. Can we watch some movies?” after everything I went through today, I’m grateful to have her here.

I asked Jisoo to set up the Netflix while I wash myself first. After I’m done, I cuddled with her and buried my face on her neck.



“Thank you for being here with me”


I was woken up with a loud knock on my door. I was about to get up when my door went wide open.

“Y/N, let me expl-“

I can’t believe what my eyes are seeing right now. Rosé was standing in my room, her mouth agape when she saw Jisoo stirring up from her slumber. Jisoo’s eyes went wide open as she saw my friends and immediately excused herself from us.

“What the hell is she doing here?” Lisa appeared from behind.

“She was standing outside my house when I arrived here. She tried to comfort me and we ended up sleeping.”

“Dude, I have a lot of things to be sorry about. First, I’m sorry that I didn’t believe you when you told me the truth. Second, I’m sorry if I ignored your calls. Third, I’m sorry if I let James hurt you but damn girl that punch was the highlight of my day!”

Lisa bounced on my bed and attempted to pull me in for a hug. I gave in. She’s my best friend and I won’t let anything come between us. I was too preoccupied with Lisa that I didn’t notice Rosé was standing awkwardly at the middle of my room.

“Lisa, could you excuse Rosé and I for a minute?”

After Lisa closed the door, I pat the space on my bed, motioning Rosé to sit beside me.

“Y/N, I know you’re mad at me for not telling you sooner. I know how much you love him and the thought of me telling you about his lies made me sick. I couldn’t hurt you.” I looked at her and saw tears cover her face. I felt guilt swallow me as she confessed the truth. I know it hurts her too.

“I’m not mad Chaeyoung-ah. I’m just disappointed because you didn’t tell me. I’m your friend and friends tell each other everything, right?” she sniffed and I smile at how cute she is even if her nose is red from all the crying.

I can never stay mad at her.

“How’s your hand?” she held my hand and I never felt better. Her warm fingers traced the bruises and I just melted in her touch.

“You shouldn’t have done that Y/N.”

“I know. But he deserves it. No one has the right to hurt you. No one has the right to hurt my Rosé” Her eyes turned glassy once again and I immediately wrapped my arms around her.

“I’ll protect you as long as I’m here,” I added before lifting her chin up and kiss the tip of her nose.

“My Rosie”

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