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A month has already passed since our breakup and some students are still not over it. They keep on trashing James and Chloe’s lockers. As for Chloe, although I hate her, we keep it professional on the field. We won a few games but our chemistry is not the same anymore.

Rosé and Lisa on the other hand seem to be going well because they’ve dated a few times already. I admit that it hurts more than my breakup with James, but who am I to get in the way of their happiness.

Jisoo and I started to become closer as soon as I met her mom. I remember spending a weekend with them. That weekend made me realize how obsessed Jisoo is in playing video games. I find it incredibly cute when her eyes are too focused on the screen, I even had to throw a pillow on her so she could pay attention to me. Her family is lovely, they made me feel like I was a part of their family too.

As for Jennie, well let’s just say that things escalated quickly between us.


It was the end of the first semester and I asked the girls if they want to go to the café with me, I insisted that Jennie should come too.

The five of us, including Jisoo, sat down at my usual spot and I noticed Jennie’s shocked expression when Irene went to our table. Irene saw Jennie and looked away as she took our orders. I have never seen Jennie this uncomfortable, usually her head is held up high and always manage to come up with sarcastic remarks, but this time, she sat there quietly.

Irene went to the restroom after she punched in our orders at the register. I followed her as soon as I got the chance.

“Hey Irene, what’s wrong?” her eyes were bloodshot and I immediately pulled her in for a hug. She is like my sister as I have known her for a few years and I hate seeing her like this.

“Its Jennie”

“What’s wrong with Jennie?”

“She’s my ex, Y/N.”

I was surprised when I realized what she meant. I mean, Jennie’s the straightest girl I know!

“I thought she’s straight.”

“She broke up with me because her parents are homophobic. She said that they will kick her out of her house if they find out.” that makes sense now. Jennie hates Lisa because she’s confidently open about her sexuality.

I went outside as soon as Irene calmed down. I noticed Jennie wasn’t in her seat and the girls told me that she just went home. I quickly grabbed my jacket, told the girls that I’ll come back immediately, and searched for her.

She was walking fast at the sidewalk and didn't even look back when I called her attention. She didn’t stop so I had to grab her wrist and pulled her over.

“What do you want from me Y/N?!”

“I know everything Jennie. Irene told me.” her eyes went wide and the next thing I know, she was sobbing on my chest.

“Please don’t tell anyone Y/N. My parents will kill me.”

(end of flashback)

That was the day Jennie and I started to become close.


I was early in school so I decided to go to my locker to get my journal when I heard someone call me.

“Psst! Y/N!” I pretend not to hear Jennie, let's just say that I love pissing her off.

“Ya! Stop ignoring me!” her hand slaps the back of my head making me laugh. I saw Rosé behind, surprised at how close Jennie and I are.

“What do you want Kim?”

“Can you come to the mall with me? Rosé said she can’t come so can yooooooouuu?”


“Pweeeeaaase?” I can resist Jennie sometimes but when she tries to act cute, it’s a different story.

“Ugh fine. Stop being annoying Jennie” I couldn’t hide my smile anymore when she jumped on my back.

“I know you love me Y/N”

“I don’t love you Jennie.” I wiggled my back so she would fall off. She’s pretty strong for a petite girl.

“Say you love me Y/N!”


“Say it!”

“Okay fine, I love you Jennie! Now get off my back! It’s killing me.”

Rosé’s POV

What’s up with Jennie and Y/N? They’ve been awfully close these past few weeks and what’s worse, they’ve exchanged I LOVE YOUs in front of me. Lisa even approached me one time and asked me if Jennie said something about her and Y/N.

Are they together now?


I’ve been thinking about telling Y/N how I feel today because I can’t stand the thought of someone else having her.

I want to be able to tell her how beautiful she looks everyday, how I like her with or without glasses on, how I find it cute when she plays with the string of her hoodie when she’s nervous, how funny she is whenever our teacher catches her drooling on her notebook when she falls asleep, how we perfectly fit in each other’s arms, and how much my love for her grows more every single day.

The bell rang and I ran to the music room knowing she will be there.

This is it Rosé!

You can do this!

I feel my hands go numb thinking that I’ll tell her everything I feel. I quietly opened the door and my books almost dropped when I saw Jennie leaning towards Y/N. I felt tears in my eyes when I saw them kissing, so I ran to the nearest restroom to calm myself down.

The door opened and I saw Lisa coming over.

“Hey are you okay Rosé?”

“I’m fine. My stomach hurts.” I really hate lying to Lisa when she’s been nothing but completely honest with me.

“Okay, let’s get you home now.”


Lisa and I awkwardly stood in front of my house. Not knowing what to do next, I stepped a little bit closer to her.

“Lisa, I think I’m ready now”

“Ready for what Rosé?”

“To be your girlfriend”

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