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Rosé’s POV

“My Rosie”

My heart is beating so fast as those two words came out of her lips and I’m pretty sure she can feel it when she hugged me. If she only knew that my heart has been with her the moment I saw her.

Her arms tightly wrapped around me, her delicate fingers slightly brushing on my shoulder and I feel our hearts beat as one. I don’t know how long we stayed like that but we quickly pulled apart as soon as her door busted open.

“Can we eat now? I’m starving omygod” Lisa’s statement made Y/N laugh.

I looked at her and I realize that her laugh is music to my ears, I could listen to it all day.

“Sure! Let me just change and I’ll meet you downstairs. Can we bring Jisoo though? I’m pretty sure she’s hungry too.” my face fell as I remember how they were cuddled up in the same bed a while ago.

Lisa and I went downstairs so Y/N can change into comfortable clothes. As I stepped my foot on the living room, I spotted Jisoo sitting awkwardly on the sofa.

“Hi! I’m Jisoo and I’m Y/N’s friend”

“We know. Btw, would you like to grab dinner with us?” Lisa said while placing her right hand at my back.

“I would love to as long as it’s okay with Y/N”

“Oh, it was Y/N’s idea to tag you along besides, I really want to know you more. I’m her best friend and it’s my job to know who she’s been hanging out with.”

“Ya Lisa! Don’t scare her” Y/N’s voice echoed making my head turn towards the direction of her voice.

She looks so attractive in that plain white v-neck shirt, flannel wrapped around her waist, shorts, black converse and her signature beanie. I will never get tired of looking at her all day. Her cheeks turned red as she noticed how I eyed her from bottom to top. I was about to say something to her but Jisoo beat me to it.

“You look pretty”

“You’re prettier. And my shirt looks better on you though” Y/N said and my eyes scanned Jisoo’s top. It hurts seeing how comfortable they are with each other in a short amount of time.

“Can we stop with the compliments and eat now? I’m dying here”

“Stop being overdramatic Lisa” Y/N retorted and grabbed her keys on the table.


We decided to order pizza and pasta in this Italian restaurant and chose a secluded area to give us more privacy to chat.

“So, tell me about the picture” Lisa started the conversation and I sense the tension build up in this tiny space.

“It was all a misunderstanding. The angle of the camera was the problem, it looked like we were kissing but we’re not”

Jisoo placed her hand on top of Y/N’s hand to stop her from rambling. My heart is breaking at the sight and I have no choice but to look away. I know they’re not together but I can feel that Jisoo has feelings for her. Who wouldn’t fall for Y/N, right? Thank heavens the topic was changed as soon as the food was placed on the table.

“Jisoo can I ask you something?” Lisa smirked at Y/N while Jisoo just nodded.

“Do you like girls?” I choked on my water and Y/N gave me a napkin to clean myself up.

“Jeez Lisa, that’s too personal. You don’t have to answer her question, Jis” Y/N spoke while giving Jisoo a smile. I wanted to ask a different question because it’s getting awkward, at least for me.

“I do actually. I’ve always liked girls but I never dated. In fact, I like someone now but I’m just waiting for the right time.” Jisoo’s eyes landed from Lisa to Y/N. I saw Lisa smirk to her bestfriend who's busy staring at her plate.

The way she looks at her is so familiar to me because that’s the way I look at Y/N.


I decided to skip the second period because I’m not feeling well. The door in the music room was open and I saw Y/N sitting at the bench of the piano. Her eyes were closed as her fingers pressed the piano keys. She stopped when she heard my footsteps, her lips curled up as I sat beside her.

“What were you playing?”

“It’s a secret. I’ll tell you if I’m done writing it.” her smile never left her lovely face.

Her smile is my weakness.

“Why are you looking at me like that Rosie?” she tried to turn her head away from me, but I was quick enough to hold her in place, my hands caressing each cheek.

“You look beautiful Y/N and I hope you’ll see yourself the way I see you.”

(end of flashback)

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I feel Lisa leaning over the table to get a high five from Jisoo.

“Dude! I like you already!”

Y/N’s cheeks were flushed, her eyes looked everywhere but me. I wish you knew Y/N. I wish you knew how my heart aches for you.

Hours passed and dinner ended, Y/N told us that she will be dropping us off in our houses since it’s a bit late already.

I was the last one to be dropped off and before I exited her car, she took my hand but didn’t say anything. It’s like she wants to tell me something but she’s scared of how I will react. Instead of pushing her to talk, I leaned closer to her and kiss the tip of her nose.

“So, this is going to be our thing now?” she asked. A smile creeping up on her face as she notices the confused look on my face.

“This” she unbuckled her seatbelt and kissed the tip of my nose.

“Good night my Rosie”

I am definitely falling hard on this girl.

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