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(Flashback - two weeks ago)

It's another day in school but I couldn't be happier. I came out to my parents and everyone pretty much saw what happened at the cafeteria between Jungkook and I so, I'm basically out of the closet! Hell yeah!

"Yow Jenlisa!" Lisa rushed towards me and tackled me with a bone crushing hug. Jennie was standing against her locker with a cocked eyebrow.

"You look different today, Y/N"

"Oooooh, someone got laid again!" Lisa cooed and I almost dropped my books. It's still a little weird for me since she's her ex.

"No, Lisa. You always think of sex. Jeez you need to be slapped by a bible or something. Anyway, I'm just happy because I just came out to my parents"






Seeing them this concerned and a bit scared for me made me tear up. I don't even know what I did to deserve such amazing friends.

"My parents told me they knew and they're okay with it. Although they have a few rules inside the house. Like, my bedroom door should always be open when I bring Rosie there" Lisa almost choked while laughing while Jennie just stood there, mouth agape.

"Have you told Rosé?"

"I'll tell her later at her house before studying."

"Study? Pff! We all know what happens in Roseanne's room" Lisa snickered and I had to hit the back of her head. God, this woman is unbelievable.

"Shut up, Manobal"

"Yah! Stop calling me Manobal!"

"Whatever, Manobal. See you guys later."


I'm currently lying on my stomach in Rosie's bed when I decided to tell her about what happened.



“I came out to my parents” she stopped doing her homework and snapped her head at me.

“Omygod! What happened? Why didn’t you tell me? I could’ve been there for you, babe”

I explained everything to her, from the moment I was pacing back and forth in my room to the moment my parents told me they knew. Seeing her jump and run around made me smile, she was so excited and extremely happy.

Her blonde hair bounced in the air and I can't help but admire the angel running across the room. God really took the time to make her. Everything that happened from the past starts replaying in my head and I still can't believe that she would fall for someone like me. Roseanne is perfect for me and how I wish we could always stay like this, no fights, just us in our own world.

“They want to meet you by the way.” She suddenly stopped running around. Her eyes were popping out and I can almost hear the sound of her heartbeat.

“Don’t be nervous, babe.” I said while I walk towards her.

“What if they don’t like me? I’m not even pretty and I’m awkward.”

Hearing those words from her breaks my heart. She doesn’t even know how beautiful she is. She has no idea how she always stands out in a room full of people. Her kind heart and beautiful soul made me fall inlove with her even more.

“Rosie, you are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. The sweetest, the kindest, the most amazing girlfriend any guy or girl could ask for and I am so damn blessed to call you mine.”

“Aww Y/N! Stop making me blush!”

“You have no idea how much I love you, Roseanne”

“And I love you more, Y/N”


Here we are, parked outside my house. Rosé’s legs were jumping up and down, her palms were sweaty, and her lips are starting to shake.

“Baby don’t be scared. I already told you they like you, okay?”

“Okay babe.” she let out a deep breath before exiting the car.

We were standing at my front door and I was about to turn the doorknob when she stopped me.

“Do I look okay, Y/N?”

“You look lovely tonight Roseanne.” a blush crept on her cheeks and she smiled as I kiss them away.

“Mom, dad! We’re here”

My mom came out running towards Rosé as she engulfed her with a hug.

“Mom, take it easy. You’re crushing her” I smiled as I saw my mom look at Rosie with such admiration.

“You even look prettier in person honey. Y/N has been talking nonstop about you. I remember one time, I saw her practicing in front of a mirror with a rose on her hand.”

“Stop embarrassing me mom! By the way, where’s dad?”

As if on queue, Mike came out from the kitchen and stood in front of us. I felt my girlfriend freeze at my dad’s presence.

“Rosie, this is my stepdad, Mike. Dad, this is Roseanne, my girlfriend.”

Awkward silence started to fill up the room and I was getting worried when I saw Rosie’s teary eyes stare at my father.

“Shall we eat?” my mom broke the silence and led us to the dining area.

“Hey, are you okay?” I whispered at Rosie. She nodded and held my hand tightly.

I hope this ends well.


The dinner wasn’t exactly the way I planned it to be. Dad was unusually quiet and Roseanne can’t even look at my mom’s eyes whenever she asks her a question.

“Rosie what’s wrong?”

“Nothing, I’m just tired.” I didn’t want to push her to talk so I just decided to give her a ride home.

Before she stepped inside her house, I grabbed her hand and lifted her chin up. Her eyes were looking everywhere but mine.

"Please tell me what's bothering you, Rosie."

"I'm really exhausted, Y/N. Please, just go home."

“You can tell me whatever it is you’re feeling right now, but I want you to tell me when you’re ready, okay?” I said, still feeling a little bit worried.

“I love you so much Rosie.”

“Good night Y/N”

(end of flashback)

And that was the last time she talked to me.

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