Chapter 7

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Arsenio Point of View

The familiar, painfully hot stature stiffened when my alluring voice reached her ears.

She has her back towards me and by the way every bone and kilo of flesh stiffened at my sudden appearance, it takes no rocket science to say that she was expecting to meet me there in the hospital the least.

Why though!

Her posture wasn't like the usual one where she takes a step back, crouch a little and take a bend energetically ready to pounce on her prey, in this case, me.

But this time though, she was not ready to take on role of eliminating me from the very face of earth, which is disappointing.

The spark of killing me in million ways is also missing in her eyes.

I love changes but this one is not my favorite.

"You believe I'm hiding something from you?" She asked me crossing her arms over her chest.

That chest though! A treasure chest indisputably!

I nodded my head humoring her with whatever she is trying to make out of the situation.

"And how is it any business of yours?" That makes no sense!

Is she stalling?

How come her reasons stooped from their throne?

"You should get on with your work and stop cutting my way like a black cat." She spat as the spark of killing me in million and one ways slowly made its way through her deep ocean eyes.

Insult me however you want but your little defensive act told me enough that you indeed have something inside that mind of yours that you are concealing from me.

Now that the confirmation of the matter was made quite easily; how to make her talk?

"Why are you here?" I asked inching towards her and closing the little gap between us. The buzz in the hospital toned down by great decibels when the authorities got the news of my arrival.


I hate to anywhere but here. Heck, battle field would be a temple for me.

"What word of 'it is none of your business' couldn't make you understand? It is completely normal for a human to visit a hospital while what surprises me is to see you here. Did the proud members of your council finally found a human hospital to dupe you inside?" She scoffed.

Hottie, Hottie!

What am I to do with you?

Trust me, I want to have the rows with her continued and a very smart, of course sarcastic remark was on the tip of my tongue when her eyes wander somewhere behind me for a fraction of a moment.

It was some kind of silent signal.

If I did not have my whole attention from this life and probably from several past lives gathered on her, I would have missed that subtle flicker of disapproval in her eyes.

A secret signal indeed!

"Alright. You won. Why don't we celebrate you victory over dinner?" I suggested with the intention of testing the waters.

Lucinda was right. Hottie clearly has something huge concealed from me and by the reaction she was giving me; I suppose it is as much important for me to know as she is.

"Invite me when you are getting barbecued or roasted for me, otherwise I wouldn't like to share the same table with you." Hottie squinted her eyes with the signature Bianchi attitude in them. With one sharp heeled step on my well booted leg, she went past me not before giving me her usual disgusted frown as a farewell gift.

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