Chapter 35

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Matias Point of View

I managed to get my act under control after punching the sandbag for over an hour.


Anger is one thing that I had forgone years ago with my ambitions and goals in mind. Yet, after almost fifteen years of keeping calm like a saint, the nephew of mine made it possible to bring out that anger out from me.

I knocked down the things from my table, enraged by the current developments against me. I finally lost my cool when Arsenio manage to bring his heir in front of people just at the time when I planned everything to send the kid to God with his identity still undiscovered.

He brought his son from the dark into the light so no one can touch a hair of him. That was so smart of him!

He is indeed the nephew I knew off.

But that did not answer the reason behind his actions. He did to keep the boy safe, yes, but why now?

Why now as if he knew what was going to happen and who exactly is behind it.

Does he really know my truth?

"I'm sure he knew about your actions all along." Piero said smoking out a halo.

It irritated me to no end that this man who is supposed to be worried about our present predicament is now so calm and collected.

Is he not bothered by the worse turn of events or he is actually a spy of my enemy?

"He had always been close to me and also gave me the responsibility to take care of internal issues of the state by himself. He never, not even once, showed the signs of vengeance or despise towards me. Moreover, every action of his all these years were always discussed with me before he implemented it. Who in the hell would do that after having the knowledge of truth?" I reasoned out and fisted my hands to punch the sandbag again.

Even the decisions regarding his business ventures are well discussed and decided by both of us together.

There is no doubt that many of his business decisions have affected my secret organizations and stocks but there was still no suspicion behind them.

"Don't be so sure, Matias. Not at least about the Majesty. If there was anyone who could checkmate our plans without even showing himself, then it is only your nephew who could do that. He is someone who had mastered in concocting crafty strategies at the age of five. Don't forget how he rose the throne after your brother's death."

Although I wanted to retort him back, he does have a point.

Arse, for one, is the craftiest person I had ever seen. But would he keep calm and quiet for over a decade and live with his enemy just to exact revenge and defeat him? His patience is undoubtedly commendable but his ability to mix well and trust his own enemy with the state affairs; that itself is enough to show he is a fool in trusting people.

However, Piero does make sense.

Before I could mull over about it more, several footsteps ran towards my personal gym room and the head security guard entered the room in hurry.

"What –" Piero was about to yell at the mere guards audacity to rush inside without knocking, the guard walked past him and reached me in hurry.

"Your Highness, Sir Demetri met with an accident while returning back from his road trip from town nearby." Both Piero and I stiffed at the news and hurriedly ran out to the hospital without another thought.

We were informed that the accident took place at the junction near the entrance of the city where many accidents had happened previously. Although we don't know his health status currently, we were still glad that Demetri was admitted in the private hospital that I had deep connections with.

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