Chapter 5

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Ella's POV:

This morning I wake to the sound of birds chirping outside my window as they fly by and clicking sound of gardening tools, as if someone is cutting the hedges.

After a few seconds of laying in bed staring up at the roof above me, I sit up and swing my legs over the bed, stretching before I stand to my feet. Last night I had the best night sleep I've had in my life. The California king bed in my room was like sleeping on a bed of clouds.

Slowly I stand to my feet and make my way toward the far window in the room, overlooking the gardens and peer out, it's then I see an older looking man working away busily in the garden. After a moment or two of staring, he looks up and waves with a welcoming smile.

I smile back, and give him a small wave before turning on my heel, headed for hallway. The moment I open my bedroom door, the delicious aroma of food hits my nose and I feel my mouth watering instantly. I had no idea Katherine could cook.

Hurriedly I make my way down the stairs, dressed in my sleep shorts and singlet top, my long dark hair left in it's naturally wavy state and pulled in a loose pony tail, covering my right shoulder.

As I make my way past the dining room entry headed for the kitchen, I peer in only to find the faux wall open and sun shining brightly onto Katherine who is sitting at the table with a smorgasbord of mouth watering foods in front of her, everything from pancakes, eggs, bacons, fruit, scrolls, and two females who appear to be wait staff serving her.

"What's all this?" I question as I step into the room.

"Gabrielle you're awake." she smiles as she raises her head from her phone. "I would like you to meet Josephine and Olive, they work in the kitchen, along side my chef Manuel , as well as keeping on top of house keeping."

"You have house keepers and a chef?" I question with wide eyes.

"Yes, now come in and sit down, Manuel will make you something to eat, wherever you like."

As I enter the room, I take a seat across from Katherine and begin to pile food already on the table onto my plate.

"Am I allowed to go into the kitchen and heat this myself or do I have to ask someone to do it?" I question in pure confusion.

"Here, Miss Gabriella, I'll take that, Chef Manuel will make you everything fresh, there is no need to re-heat it." Olive smiles as she takes the plate from me.

"I don't mind having it heated, I don't like to throw away perfectly good food."

"Are you sure, it's his job honey, he can make you whatever you like." Katherine questions.

"Really, please just heat the food already on this plate." I nod my head.

I watch as Olive and Josephine leave the room before turning back to Katherine. "So let me get this straight you have house keepers who also bring you food, a Chef and a Gardener?"

"Oh you met Arthur?" she smiles.

"I didn't meet him, I saw him from the bedroom window and he waved, I waved back."

"Oh." she nods her head as she takes a sip of her coffee, than places the cup back down on it's saucer. "Yes, I do pay people to do things around the house once a day. Every morning Arthur, Josephine, Olive and Manuel start work at 6 AM and they finish at 9 AM. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and I never have time to cook for myself in the morning, nor do I ever have time for the gardens or the cleaning, I'm far to busy with work." She says as she looks back down at her phone, locks it and sits it back down on the table. "I'm never home for lunch and most nights I'm at business meetings."

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