Chapter 53

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Ella's POV:

"You my love, do not look like someone who is leaving for Mexico in two hours time." Ace says as he leans over and takes the remote for the T.V from my lap and turns it off.

"I was watching that." I pout as I turn to him.

"You can keep watching it on the jet, which is leaving in two hours." He reminds once more.

"I've packed both of our bags, all we have to do is get dinner and head out to the airport, chill." I roll my eyes. "How was work? I change the subject quickly.

Making his way around the couch he takes a seat next to me. "Work was fine. But I know your avoiding the subject of us traveling tonight, are you okay?"

"I'm just..." I sigh softly. "I don't know if I can handle going to the hangers Ace, I see them every time I close my eyes, but it's not the same as really seeing them again, standing among them."

"You don't have to, I've moved the jet into another holding hanger, it's a little further away, but I've been speaking to Dad and he thinks we might make it the jet's new home."

"Your moving the Jet, just for me? Just so I don't have to go back there?"

"Yes." He nods. "I know it might not make it any easier, but at least you won't have to go back to the same place you lost your parents every single time we fly."

"I can't believe you did that for me." I look up at him, tears filling my eyes.

"I love you baby, I've got you." He smiles and leans in pressing his lips to mine.

"I love you." I whisper and snuggle into his arms.

Ace is right, for the last couple of days I've been avoiding the fact we're flying. Going back to the exact place I lost my Mom and Papa and getting onto a Jet isn't something I've been looking forward to, I didn't know how I'd deal with it, all the memories coming back.

I'm sure that just stepping onto the Jet is going to bring up memories for me, but the fact we're no longer flying out of the place I lost Mom and Papa I do think it'll be a little easier on me.

"We'll have to leave in half an hour to have time to stop for dinner and then continue on to the airport." He whispers as he leans down pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

Pulling back, I give him a soft smile. "I'll go and get ready now."


Arriving at the private airport, the car stops and Ace steps out, pulling our bags from the back with the driver. Slowly, I step out and look around. At first the sight of the jet waiting for us sends a shiver down my spine, but as I look around and see other jet owners talking, laughing and smiling among themselves, I feel my body relax.

The hangers here are nothing like the ones I lost Mom and Papa at, they're modern and new and there is a nice feel about the place and the people who are around.

"Thanks for driving us, I'll give you some notice for when we're returning, we're looking at around two weeks, but it may be less than that." Ace tells the driver.

"No worries, Mr. Shelby, I'll be here when you get home. Have a safe flight."

Pulling one suitcase in each hand alongside him, Ace makes his way toward me. Once he reaches, he stops walking and removes his hold on the handle, wrapping his arm around me. "Are you okay?"

"I am." I nod. "I kind of like it here, it doesn't feel the same."

"I'm glad, baby." He presses a kiss to my temple.

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