Chapter 22

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It's been two weeks and Ace still isn't talking to me, in fact I'm lucky if I get a hello most mornings, most days he just walks past me as if I'm a ghost.

For the first week I made several attempts to talk to him, but each time he'd ignore me or tell me he wasn't in the mood to talk. We're now at the end of week two, and this week I've made no attempt to talk to him, I'm tired of being shut down. He's always so cranky and uptight, he needs to chill a little.

Sitting in my big, comfortable office chair, I finish typing up my weekly reports and spread sheets. It's Friday today and tonight Jordan, Riley, Natalie and I are going to have a few drinks at the club, no doubt there will be dancing as well.

Last week I introduced Natalie and Riley to one another and just as I had expected they hit it off right away and the two of them have been in constant contact since meeting, so I'm excited to catch up with them tonight.

Finishing typing my report, I hit print, at the same time the phone on my office desk rings loudly, causing me to jump. Looking up from the screen, I reach out and pick it up.

"Hi, it's Ella." I smile into the phone.

"Obviously, I called the phone attached to your desk." Ace huffs on the other end.

"Right, sorry." I say softly.

"I need you to come to my office, and make it quick." He says before hanging up the phone.

Standing to my feet, I pat down my high waisted black skirt and exit my office, making my way to the end of the hall. When I reach his door, I knock and then enter.

"You wanted to see m-"

"Sit." He demands as he points to the chair.

Slowly I make my way into the office and close the door, I then make my way across the room and sit in the chair across from him.

"You made and error in last weeks report." He says as he pushes the paper across the desk toward me.

Picking it up, I hold it in my hands and I read over it. "I did? Where?" I question innocently.

"You're missing a dot in between the amounts on the second line."

Placing the paper back down on his desk, I look toward him. Is he really pulling me up on such a small error. "I can fix it with a pen now if you'd like?"

"That's besides the point Ella, you need to be more careful, check your work before you hand it into me, mistakes can be costly."

"Ace it's just a dot."

"I don't give a shit, one more mistake and your fired, and I'm your boss, not your friend so address me accordingly."

As his words hit me, I feel my stomach drop and my heart begin to race. I can't lose my job after just two weeks, that would look horrible on my resume, I'll probably never get another job again.

Nodding my head I stand to my feet. "I'm sorry Mr. Shelby, I'll check my work closely before handing it in next time. In fact I've just printed this weeks, but I'll go and check it again before I give it to you."

"Good, leave." He points to the door.

Making my way out the door and back toward my office, I make my way in and sit back down, then look over this weeks reports as carefully as possible.

I've never seen this side of Ace before and I don't like it, I understand he is upset with me, but is he really going to fire me over a simple missed dot? Everyone makes mistakes from time to time, I'm not perfect, but either is he.

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