Chapter 19

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Ella's POV:

This morning I wake in Ace's warm, tattooed arms, both of us upon his mattress, with the ocean behind us, and the soft sounds of the waves hitting the rocks below us.

"Good morning gorgeous." Ace whispers as he presses a kiss to the top of my head.

"Your awake already." I smile softly as I turn my head, looking up at him.

"I didn't really sleep last night." He admits. "How are you feeling this morning?"

"I'm a little sore, but I don't regret it, if that's what was keeping you up."

"It wasn't, I don't regret a thing." He assures me as he leans down and presses another kiss to my forehead. "I'll go and run you bath, it might help with the soreness." He says as he removes his arms from my body and slides off the mattress, standing to his feet.

After a second of looking around he spots his shorts and slides them over his body, before heading into the bathroom.

Last night I had sex for the first time, I lost my virginity to Ace, and I don't regret a thing. Since the moment I met Ace I felt a connection to him like I've never felt with anyone before, and the more I've gotten to know him over the last two weeks, the more my feelings have grown for him.

If I wasn't leaving tonight I'd be the first to admit this probably wouldn't have happened, I would have gotten to know him even more before I allowed it to happen, but I like him, and I have honest feelings for him, and he for me, and last night was my last chance before going home. I didn't want to regret it not happening, so I took my chance.

"Bath is ready gorgeous." Ace smiles as he makes his back back into the bathroom.

"Uh." I giggle as I sit up, the sheets wrapped around my body. "Can you maybe close the curtains before the entire beach see my naked body?"

"You weren't saying that last night." He smirks, as he makes his way toward the bed side table and using a remote closes the roller shutters.

Standing to my feet I drop the sheet, and make my way toward him, completely naked.

"Yes, because no one was on the beach last night." I press a kiss to his cheek before continuing on into the bathroom.

The moment I enter, I notice the window shutters are still open in bathroom, and the beach isn't short of people walking along it, admiring the houses as they go.

"Ace!" I gasp, "where is the remote for this?" I question as I move my body out of the direct line of the window quickly.

"I don't have one." He shrugs as he steps into the room, smirking at me.

"What you just walk around in here naked and don't care if anyone see's you?"

"I mean, I don't really have anything to ashamed of." He smirks once more.

"I do agree, but that doesn't mean I'm as confident as you."

"You, my gorgeous Ella, also have nothing to be embarrassed about, but the window is a custom make, no one can see in, you can only see out."

"R-really?" I question as I step back into the view of the glass, peering out.

"Would I lie to you?" He raises a brow. "Why on earth would I want anyone seeing you naked?" He questions as he pulls me into his arms and presses a kiss to my lips. "Now get in, before the water is cold."

"Are you joining me?" I question as I take his hand for support and step into the large, square free standing bath filled with water and bubbles.

"Are you offering?" He grins

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