Chapter 39

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It's been a week since we returned home and I wish I could fly Ella and I back already. Since we arrived home, things have been tense not just between us, but between everyone.

After our phone argument, Katherine and I haven't spoken a word to each other. Ella also confronted Katherine about Roberto again, and she gave her the same stupid speel about Roberto calling soon. Because of that, Ella has been staying at my place for the last week, and things have been a little tense between us as well, but I'll be the first to admit that's on me.

Katherine told me to hold Willow off on finding Roberto and I did that while only giving her limited information, not wanting her involved. But I gave Katherine a week and Roberto still isn't here.

For the past week, I haven't been able to look at Ella, every time I do, I feel like I'm lying to her, so I've been distancing myself as much as possible.

At work it's easy, Ella has gone back to working in accounting, no longer working under me as my personal assistant, so during the day we don't see a lot of each other, but at home it's a different story. I want her here; I want to go to bed with her at night and wake up with her in the morning, but I just can't shake my thoughts and feelings, if I talk to her, like really sit down and talk to her, I'm going to blurt out the truth I just know it.

Tonight is Friday, and usually Friday night is family dinner night at Mom and Dad's place, but with Killen canceling to hang out with his on again off again whore of a girlfriend, Dad working on finding Roberto, and Jordan having dinner with Grayson there was no point.

Opening the front door, my nose is greeted by the aroma of a baked dinner. Following the smell, I of course end up in the kitchen where I find Ella pulling dinner from the oven.

"Hey, your just in time for dinner." She smiles.

I look at the tray she's pulled from the oven and the food looks amazing, she's cooked all of my favorites, pumpkin, potato, sweet potato, carrots and of course the roast meat which looks just as good as the one Mom cooks. She's gone to so much effort, how am I going to get out of this? We haven't sat down together for a week.

"Wow, this looks amazing." I smile as I make my way over and wrap my arms around her from behind.

"I knew you were sad about missing roast night, so I thought I'd surprise you." She smiles as she turns to me and presses a small kiss to my lips. "How was work? I didn't see you all day."

"I was swamped in work again, I didn't even have time to eat."

"Luckily, I cooked extra for dinner." She smiles before moving to the plate cupboard and pulls out two plates.

I can't do this, I can't spend another night avoiding her or lying to her, or keeping things from her. This ends tonight.

Moving back, I pull my phone from my pocket and send a text to Katherine. "Times up...."

"Ace." She says softly as she places her hand on my forearm.

"What? Sorry?" I say quickly as I lock my phone and side it into my pocket.

"I said dinner is plated up and ready. Are you okay?" She asks as she looks up at my, her eyes filled with concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I nod and head for the bench where I pick up our plates and carry them to the table when're I sit them down.

"You know how we always said we'd be honest with each other?" She asks as she sits down at the table across for me.

Fuck..... she knows.

"Yes." I nod

"I can't help but feel like something has changed since we've been home, you seem kind of distant, and I know your super busy with work and your swamped with paperwork and it's stressful, but I feel like I haven't seen you all week."

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