Chapter 14

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Ace's POV:

After dropping Ella home and sharing yet another kiss, I headed back to my place and went right to bed. As I layed there, I had a million things running through my mind, Ella and I had agreed to leave things where they were, but at the last second I changed my mind. I don't know what it is that draws to me to her, or what it is that stops me from walking away, but a lot has happened in one week and I'm not ready to say goodbye to her just yet.

Today is Sunday, and I'm having a family dinner at my parents place to meet Jordan's new boyfriend. So far I've left all of the background checks to Dad and everything seems to check out, but that doesn't mean he won't be walking into his worst nightmare when he meets my Dad, Killen and I tonight.

This morning I woke up at around six, and I sent Ella a good morning message just like I've done every morning for the past week. After that I headed from my home gym, where I did my hour and a half work out. At this stage I still haven't had a message back from Ella, but that's not unusual, if she was ever going to win a gold medal for anything it would be sleeping, most mornings she doesn't reply until almost ten.

Feeling bored and having nothing to do for the morning, I jumped in the car and drove to my parents house. I know I'm seeing them tonight, but it gives me something to do.

As I enter the house, I head right for the kitchen, and open the fridge door looking for left overs I can heat up, to lazy to have cooked for myself this morning.

"Good morning brother." Jordan smiles brightly as she enters the kitchen of my family home.

"Morning, what are you so chipper about today?" I question with narrowed eyes.

"It's family dinner night and your meeting my boyfriend what is there to not be happy about?" She shrugs.

"Uh, maybe the fact your boyfriend is going to be absolutely grilled by the three of us, possibly threatened, no definitely threatened, and maybe even shot." I shrug back with a smirk.

"No one is getting shot Ace Shelby." Mom warms with a glare as she enters the kitchen. "And what are you doing here? Dinner isn't for hours."

"I was bored at home, so I thought I'd come and see my adoring family who make me feel so love every time I come here."

"Ugh, what's he doing here?" Willow screws up her face as she enters the kitchen.

"See, always so welcoming, I'm feeling the love fam." I smirk as I place a container of leftovers in the microwave.

"How was your date with Ella?" Jordan questions.

"I wasn't going to pry, but yes, how was it?" Mom questions eagerly.

"It was good, I took her to Ocean view for dinner, then we stopped to get some ice-cream and I took her home." I tell them as I pull the container from the microwave.

"What? That's it?" Willow raises a brow

"What else do you want to know nosey?" I roll my eyes

"Did you kiss, duh." she rolls her eyes back at me.

"Yes we kissed." I shrug

"Awww." Jordan and Willow squeal together at the same time, causing me to shake my head with a laugh.

"You should ask Ella to the family dinner tonight." Mom suggests

"I did think about it, but I don't think that's a good idea I don't want to confuse the situation further."

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