Chapter 12

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Last night Ella and I kissed, twice. Sure the first time she kissed me, but the second time I kissed her and I don't regret a single second of it, in fact I'd do it all over again.

Kissing isn't something I'm used to, it's something I've always found rather intimate and because of that I don't kiss any of the girls I sleep with, I don't want them getting attached or getting the wrong idea.

But with Ella it's different, I wanted to kiss her, and even though I'm sure I could have taken things further, I didn't want to, and not because she's not stunning, or because I don't want to have sex with her, but because I didn't want to rush into anything, I didn't want to pressure her, I didn't want her to end up hating me.

However the hard truth is that she's going back to Mexico in a week, and I'm only just starting to get used to having her around. Once she leaves I have no idea when she's coming back, or if she's coming back at all.

So I have two choices, back off, don't text her again, let her leave for Mexico and never think of her again. Or act on what I'm currently feeling.

"How was dinner last night?" Grayson questions with a grin as he takes a beer from the fridge, then makes his way back to my kitchen bench, leaning against it.

"It was nice." I shrug

"Nice? Mmm." He hums with a grin. "Did you come back here after?"

"Yes, we did."


"And I didn't sleep with her if that's what you're asking me."

"You didn't?" He questions, almost spitting out his beer.

"We uh, we did kiss though." I rub the side of my neck sheepishly.

"You kissed her? Dude, you don't kiss." He reminds with a screwed up face.

"It just happened, one second we were spraying whipped cream at each other and the next I was on the kitchen floor on my back after slipping in it, and then she sat with me, and we just kind of, kissed."

"You had a whipped cream fight? Here? As in you messed up your kitchen and house?"

"Yeah, I cleaned it after I dropped Ella home."

"She's changing you bro. The Ace I know doesn't like mess and he doesn't like things out of place and he doesn't like change." He smirks once more.

"Maybe I like change after all, she's been a nice change, and I was thinking of maybe taking her to dinner."

"Taking her to dinner? Like you're going to take her on a date?"

"I guess so?" I shrug "She's only here for another week and then she'll be back in Mexico, I might as well spend time with her while she's here."

"Wow, Ace Shelby on a date, didn't think I'd live to see the day." He smirks as he takes another sip of his beer.

"Your one to talk, aren't you driving back into Spring tonight to see a certain female, you're not seeing."

"I'm not seeing her, I'm sleeping with her, huge difference."

"How does Jordan feel about that? The two of you seemed rather close at the club."

"Come on man, you know there is no Jordan and I. I adore your sister, I think she's beautiful and funny, and smart and everything I'd want in a girlfriend, if I wanted one, which I don't, which is why she needs to meet a nice guy who'll treat her like the queen she is."

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