Chapter 28

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"I hate to rush you, honey, but are you almost ready? We need to be there before everyone else to make sure everything is perfectly in place." Mom calls from behind my closed bedroom door.

"I think I'm ready, you can come in." I call to her and turn my body to face the door.

I'm dressed in my stunning navy blue ball gown, and on my feet are navy colored heels. My hair is out and curled and I've applied the perfect amount of foundation as well as a smoky eye look for added effect and I choose to leave my lips in a nude shade, not wanting to draw attention away from the dress itself.

Because the dress is so stunning on its own, I'm not wearing Mom's necklace, but I am wearing my diamond earrings, and my bracelet from Ace.

"Ella, you look amazing." Mom smiles as she looks me up and down.

"Thanks, you look lovely." I comment as I take notice of her figure hugging floor length dress in black.

"I'm not too old for it, am I?"

"Are you kidding? Mom, your body is amazing, owe it." I smile.

"Thank you honey, we should head off."

"Let me just grab my phone and I'll be right with you.


As it was meant to be, Mom and I were the first to arrive at the manor, a hire car dropping us off for the night.

With half an hour to spare, I made my way around making sure everything was still perfectly in its place.

Thankfully, everything was how I left it, and the band had already arrived, and were doing their final sound check, before putting on some background music for when the guests arrived. The next to arrive was the photographer who set up his camera in front of the backdrop, ready to take photos as everyone arrived.

Right on time, I make my way to the bottom of the stairs, ready to greet people, and just as I get to my spot, the first car arrives.

The first people out of the cars are Bella and Jex, they both look amazing Jex in a black suit, Bella in a beaded floor-length gown in gold. Following right after them is Killen, he's wearing a black suit with a bow tie, he looks so cute, his usually messy hair slicked back like Ace's always is.

"Ella, you look so beautiful." Bella smiles as she reaches me and wraps her arms around me.

"Me? Look at you." I smile and step back, admiring her dress.

"I thought it was too young for me, but Willow said I look banging." She giggles.

"I understand that feeling." Mom speaks from next to me.

"Don't be silly, you look amazing." Bella smiles as she wraps her arms around my Mom.

"Ella, you look beautiful." Jex smiles as he gives me a kiss on the cheek and keeps moving toward Mom and Bella.

"Look at you, cutie." I smile at killan.

"Aww stop, your going to make me blush." He jokes. As he reaches me he wraps his arms around me. "You look stunning." He whispers ,

"Thanks, Killy." I smile as I pull back. "Where is your date?"

"I'm going solo this year, let's be honest, I'm just here to get drunk with my mates." He chuckles.

"Head on up and check it out, there is so much happening inside."

As Bella, Jex and Killen all make their way inside, a second car pulls in and stops at the red carpet.

The car door opens and Colson who I've met once steps out looking dapper, he holds out his hand and Willow steps out in a stunning red gown, cut into a deep v at the front and from what I can see is backless, yet silly elegant.

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