Chapter 66

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It's been five months since Ace and I came back from our honeymoon, five months since we said our I do's and became husband and wife, and soon we'll be brining our baby girl into the world.

By now, my baby bump is well and truly on display for the world to see, and I'm super proud of it, as is Ace, he is so excited to be a daddy; I know he can't wait to welcome our little girl into the world.

In the past five months not a lot has changed for us, but that's a good thing, because with no change comes with smooth sailing.

Two days after we arrived back at home Ace and I returned to work, him of course being the boss and me taking on the role of his personal assistant again. My main roles have been handling his paperwork, taking his calls, and booking his meetings, all the usual things, but it's been really nice working as his P.A again, though I do of course get special treatment.

Yesterday was my last day at work until after the baby is born, Ace assures me he is going to take over the paperwork again himself, but I've asked Riley to keep an eye on him, and if he's struggling, for her to step into my role and work as his P.A, even if he says no. I can do that now that Ace has made me part owner of the business.

Ace and I have spoken about returning to work and I will be having a year off to take care of our baby girl, I don't want her in day care or to ask Bella or the girls to watch her while she's so small, and I don't want to miss any of her milestones. I've told Ace I'll come back to work after her first birthday, however he's made it clear I don't have to come back to work at all, I can be a stay at home Mom if I choose, but I've assured him I'll be coming back, not full time and not working long hours, but I will be coming back to help him run the business.

As far as the rest of the family things has been much the same for them, Abuelo is now settled into his home and his new community and he's made lots of friends who he spends time with, he's even made a new poker group.

Bella and Jex are loving being officially retired from the business though they still help up when they need them to. In the last couple of months they've taken a few holidays just the two of them, but they're back now to help us when the baby is born, both of them are so excited to be grandparents.

As for Jordan, Willow and Killen, they're all still on emotional roller coasters when it comes to their relationships, but they're all happy within themselves, Killen is even going to take over the business for Ace in a couple weeks after the baby is born, so he's been learning the ropes.

"Hi baby." Ace smiles as he wraps his arms around me and moves in close, kissing the side of my neck.

"Hi." I reply as I finish buttering the bread on the plate in front of me.

"What are you doing down here?"

"Making some lunch, would you like me to make you a sandwich?"

"Yes, please." He nods.

"Did you get everything you needed to do done?"

"Uh, not exactly." He grins.

"What?" I grin back at him, knowing he's up to something.

"I might have lied to you about what I was doing up there, can we put lunch on hold for a second? I want to show you something."

"What is it?" I asked with an excited smile.

"Come and see." He says as he takes my hand and we head for the stairs.

Slowly we make our way up and to the end of the hall toward our bedroom, however Ace stops at the bedroom door across from ours and turns to me. "Open the door."

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