Chapter 6

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Ace's POV:

"I'm Ella, her daughter." Her sweet voice speaks

"Your Gabriella?" I question as I take in the stunning female standing in front of me, looking her up and down.

She's dressed in a casual outfit of denim short and a white cropped t-shirt showing off her trim figure, and a pair of black vans. Never in my wildest dreams did I think she was the daughter of Katherine. She is absolutely stunning, tan skin, waist length dark hair, and dimples in her cheeks. Her lips are naturally plump and full, the kind of lips I'd like to feel against mine, and don't even get me started on her big brown eyes.

"You're not what I was expecting."

"And what exactly were you expecting?" She crosses her arms over her chest, an annoyed look now present on her face. "Who are you anyway?"

"Well for a start I thought you were a child." I rebut with a grin. "When Katherine said her daughter was coming to visit and she needed time off I assumed you weren't old enough to look after yourself, but you're clearly an adult." I inform her as I drop my arms from my chest. "I'm Ace, your mothers boss."

"Y-your Ace?" she stutters as she looks up at me.

"What? I'm not what you were expecting?" I smirk.

"Well for a start." she starts with a grin, repeating my words "I thought you'd be older, worse dressed and have less hair."

"Is that your way of telling me I'm hot?" I smirk, secretly enjoying her attitude give back.

"Sorry we took so long honey, we're all.. done." Katherine calls as she enters the room, her chirpy voice dropping a few notches by the time she gets to the word done as she finds Ella and I talking. "Ace, I didn't know you were still here."

"I was on my way out when I ran into your daughter here." I smile

"Right, I guess I don't need to Introduce you seeing as you've already met." She says awkwardly looking between Ella and I.

Clearing her throat, Natalie cuts through the awkwardness "So anyway, I know we just met and you know nothing about me but it's birthday today and I'm celebrating in the club tonight, you should totally come." She speaks, looking towards Ella.

"Oh, thanks but I think Katherine and I have dinner plans." She replies

"Don't worry about me honey I can have a frozen meal, take Nat up on her offer and make a few friends while you're here." Katherine suggests.

"Uh, okay, yeah sure." She says awkwardly and a quick nod of her head.

"Perfect, I'll see you back here in a few hours. Oh and thanks for the help Katherine." Natalie beams before turning, making her way back down the hall.

"I'll see you when I'm back from holidays and don't forget you owe me." Katherine reminds me, with a raised a brow before turning on her heel, heading for the exit.

"It was nice to meet you Ace." Ella smiles with a quick wave before turning, following after her mother.

"Nice to meet you too." I breath out with a smirk, pulling my bottom lip between my teeth as I watch her walk away.

With Ella no longer in sight I make my way down the hall, and stop at Natalie's office door leaning against the frame. "I've changed my mind about tonight."

"What? I can't have the party here?"

"Yes you can have the party here." I roll my eyes. "I mean I've changed my mind about your invitation. I think I'll come after all."

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