Chapter 67

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"Can you get the door gorgeous?" Ace yells from the kitchen and a second later the sound of our loud doorbell ringing fills the house.

Standing to my feet with difficulty, I make my way toward the door and swing it open.

"SURPRISE" everyone yells and I break into a smile right away.

"What the hell are you all doing here?" I ask as I hold the door open for them.

"We know you didn't want a baby shower, but your due any day now, and we wanted one, so here we are." Jordan smiles as she makes her way in first and presses a kiss to my cheek, her arms full, carrying trays of food and a bag of gifts swinging from her right wrist.

"Was this your idea?" I smile at Bella as she enters, also carrying food trays.

"It might have been, but you only have your first baby once, why not?" She kisses my cheek and heads inside.

"I don't know why you're even surprised, Mom lives for this stuff, and she's so excited about her granddaughter." Willow says as she makes her way in and gives me a hug, then continues on inside.

"Natty, Rils, how was your holiday?" I ask as I embrace them both in a hug.

"It was amazing." Nat moves her left hand to her hair. "Like really amazing."

Spotting an engagement ring on her finger, I gasp loudly. "No way! Aww congratulations" I give them both another hug.

"We don't have any plans just yet, but it's happening." Riley smiles.

"Room for one more?" I hear from outside the door.

Looking up, I see Lottie standing there with Mila standing next to her, holding her hand.

"Lottie! What are you doing here?" I smile as I take a step closer and wrap my arms around her.

"I heard you were having a baby shower, and Mila and I didn't want to miss it." She says as she returns the hug.

"You came all the way here just for that? Both of you?"

"Yep." she nods as she leans down and picks up Mila, placing her on her hip. "Wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Well come on in, I have no idea what we're going, but I suppose Bella has all of that under control."

As we make our way into the living room, Bella and Jordan have set all the food and drinks out on our large square coffee table, and there is a pile of gifts piled up on one couch.

"Looks like your all set." Ace smile as he makes his way into the room.

"Let me guess, you knew all about this?" I raise a brow.

"I might have." he grins. "But I knew if I told you, you'd say you didn't want everyone to make a fuss, so I kept it to myself and kept you home for the morning."

"Mmm, very sneaky Mr. Shelby."

"Anyway, Killen, Colson, Grayson and I are going to have a few beers and something to eat, so I'll leave you too it." He leans in pressing a kiss to my lips. "Have fun and call me if you need anything, okay?"

"I will." I press a kiss to his lips. "I love you, be safe."

"I love you too Gorgeous." He says softly before pulling back. "Have fun girls, I'll see you all later." He says before exiting the house.

"You have one very sweet husband Mrs. Shelby." Nat smiles up at me from her position

"You have no idea." I smile as I make my way over and sit down next to her. "I did always tell you he was the sweetest man I'd ever met, and you used to laugh at me."

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