Chapter 64

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After a moment of staring, I step back. "I'm sorry, I stood right in your view, I didn't see you there."

"Eh, the views not to bad, even now." She smiles up at me once more, then shyly tucks her hair behind her ear.

"Are you out here on your own?" I question as I look around.

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep, what about you? Ditching the wedding early?"

"No, the wedding is over actually, it was my older brother's wedding and it was kind of a small family only thing, so everyone left early. A few of them have babies they needed to take home to bed, and some of them are older, like my sister in laws Grandpa, and..." I pause for a moment. "I'm sorry, I'm rambling and I'm telling you things you don't need to know and I'm sure you don't care." I shake my head with a soft chuckle embarrassed by my word vomit.

Giggling softly up at me, she shuffles over on her towel and pats the created free space next to her. "You can sit if you want?"

Sitting down next to her, I stare out at the water awkwardly for a moment, then turn back to her. "I'm Killen by the way, and I swear I don't usually ramble that bad." I hold my hand out toward her.

"Luna, and I swear I don't usually talk to strangers." she smiles as she takes my hand in hers, shaking it.

"Are you here on vacation?" I question as I let go of her hand, attempting to keep the conversation flowing.

"Yeah, I'm here with my parents on what they call a bonding holiday, only their work seems to follow them no matter the time of year, or where we are in the world." She sighs as she looks out toward the ocean once more.

"I take it they have important jobs?"

"Lawyers, both of them." She says as she turns back to me. "And for some stupid reason I'm following their same career path."

"Your a lawyer?" I raise my brows in surprise.

"Not quite, but I will be by the middle of next year." She shrugs.

"You don't seem all that impressed about it?"

"I just wonder sometimes if this is what I really want to do or if I'm just doing it because it's all I've ever known, it's all I've ever been around and it's what my parents what me to do." She sighs. "I mean I get really good marks on all of my assessments and I'm sitting at the top of my class, but is that passion, or is that just me knowing what I'm doing because I have two parents who do nothing but work?" As she looks up at me, she bites down on her bottom lip. "I'm sorry, now I'm the one rambling."

"I don't mind." I assure her with a soft smile.

"I suppose I just wonder sometimes if I'm setting myself and my future children up for the same childhood I've had. Sure my parents have money, and I've traveled all over the world by the age of twenty-two and my parents have provided the best of everything my entire life, but I can count on one hand the amount of times my parents tucked me in at night, the amount of times they read to me as a child, the amount of times we sat down and had dinner together, I just don't want that for my future husband and children, you know."

As I listen to her speak, I can't help but wonder how it's possible for someone so perfect to be sitting next to me, not only is she absolutely stunning, she's mature beyond her years, she's smart, she comes from a good home and a good family who have taught her to work hard and be independent, and at the age of twenty-two, she's already planning her future.

"I'm sorry, did I bore you to sleep?" She giggles softly.

"W-what? No, of course not. I was just thinking it's really nice to meet someone around the same age as me who is thinking about the future rather than what time the nightclub is opening."

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