Chapter 38

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Last night Lottie didn't come home, so Ella and I kept Mila in our room with us. To say I'm furious is an understatement and not because I mind watching Mila, but because Lottie just left her with me and didn't tell me she wasn't coming home.

Knock knock our bedroom door sounds, and I make my way toward it, pulling it open once I reach.

The moment I pull it open, I find Lottie standing there in the same clothes as last night. "You didn't think to tell me you weren't coming home?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"Why would you care?" She rolls her eyes and pushes passed me. "Mila." She calls to Mila who is sitting on the floor playing.

"Momma!" She stands and runs to her.

"I don't care what you do, Lottie, but you left Mila with me and didn't tell me I was watching her over night. I had no idea what I was doing. If it wasn't for Ella I wouldn't have known what to do with her when she woke up screaming at 3 am."

"Then I guess your lucky you had your perfect girlfriend to help you." She says as she picks Mila up. "I went out to a club, and I got drunk and I went home with someone, and I slept with him and spent the night, I didn't have time to text you, sorry."

"Seriously? Lottie, Mila should be your number one, if you want to party and drink and sleep around go for it but let people know what's happening with Mila, a phone call could have been nice, or you could have just told me you weren't planning to come home and I would have been fine with it."

"It's not a big deal Ace, you and Ella got to play Mommy and Daddy for the night and I got sex for the first time in months, so thanks from watching her."

"I have no idea what your issue is, but you need to sort your shit, Lottie. I have no idea why you're so jealous of seeing me happy, but I couldn't care less, your right Ella and I got to play Mommy and Daddy for the night and you know what, I can't wait to have children with her, I can't wait for her to bring my children into this world, I can't wait to make her my wife."

"Good for you, I hope your life is as perfect as you think it's going to be." She shrugs and walks out the door with Mila in her arms.

With the bedroom door slamming, Ella makes her way into the room fresh from her shower. "Do I even want to know?" She questions.

"No." I shake my head. "I have no idea what her issue is, but it's not ours and she's not our problem. How was your shower?"

"It was good, it would have been a whole lot more fun if you had joined me though." She grins

"Mmm, well seeing as we have the room to ourselves again." I smirk as I make my way toward her and pick her up in my arms, then throw her to bed.

"Ace." She giggles

"Yes, gorgeous?" I mumble against her lips as I climb onto the bed with her.


Ella's POV:

Our time in Florida has almost come to an end and I'm sad to be leaving it behind in a few days' time, but I also feel thankful knowing we can come back at any time.

Spending time with the Shelby's is so easy and fun, and while I'm having the most amazing time and my mind is clearer than ever, I haven't been able to stop thinking about Papá and why he hasn't made contact with me. It's been weeks now and as much as I try to stop myself, I can't help but worry.

Having finished helping put away the dishes from dinner, I step out into the warm night air, and head toward the pool, looking for a moment alone so I can make my call. After a short walk I arrive at the water's edge near the pool, and pull my phone from the pocket of my denim shorts, and dial Papá's number.

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