Chapter 32

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Ella's POV:

This morning I arrive at work right on 8:00am dressed in white suit pants and a matching jacket with a nude singlet under it, and I step into the elevator with two coffees in my hands, one for me and one for Ace.

As soon as I arrive at the top floor and the doors open, I step out and make my way down the hall. The first thing I notice is Ace's door is open which means he isn't in yet, it's strange, but maybe he slept in.

Making my way in. I sit his coffee down on his desk.

"You beat me to work, I was just about to text you and tell you I'll get the coffees this morning."

Smiling I sit my coffee down on his desk and turn to face him, he's looking handsome like every day dressed in his suit and tie, his hair slicked back.

"I didn't want to be late, my boss might get mad with me." I pout playfully.

"Oh I think you'd like the punishment." He smirks as he wraps his arms around me and lifts me off my feet, placing me down on his desk. The moment I'm secure, he moves in between my legs and presses a kiss to my lips. "Good morning gorgeous."

"Good morning." I smile against his lips.

"So it's true." Natalie smirks from the doorway, Ace having left the door open.

"What's true Nat?" Ace asks with a smile, turning toward her, but not moving away from me.

"Didn't you know? It's breaking news East Cliff playboy Ace Shelby has finally settled down and stopped his player ways, the unlucky girl is the stunning Miss Ella Vargas who is way to good for Ace but is with him anyway." She says in a news reports voice, before giggling. "No, I'm really happy for you guys, I shipped you right away."

"Thanks Nat." I smile

"Mm, thanks, I think." Ace laughs "Did you need something, or are you just here to make fun of me?"

"Just to make fun of you." She shrugs. "Have a lovely day love birds." She waves before closing the door.

"I guess I should go and get some work done." I lean up and press a quick kiss to Ace's lips before attempting to slide off the desk.

"Actually before you go, I wanted to talk to you about your job here."

"Oh?" I ask softly, my heart beginning to race.

"Since you know everything there is to know now, I was wondering what you want to do about your job role, are you happy doing accounting for the actual club and handling all of the legitimate money, or would you like to work with Katherine and Natalie with the other amounts of money, or would you like be my P.A?"

"Oh," I say softly letting out a deep breath. "Well what do you think?"

"I would rather you didn't work with Katherine and Natalie, because I don't want you working with dirty money, but I want you to do whatever you feel is right for you."

"I'd love to go back to being your P.A, but if I do that I feel like I wasted my time in college getting my degree in accounting, so maybe I'll just stick to the Club business accounts?"

"Whatever you want to do is fine with me, I just wanted to give you the options." he shrugs

"Thank you for giving me the options, I appreciate it."

"I appreciate you." He says softly as he leans down pressing another kiss to my lips.

"Ace." I giggle as I place my hand on his chest and push him back gently. "We're at work"

"That didn't stop you two days ago." He smirks as he begins trailing kisses down the side of my jaw and neck.

"That was different." I breath out, my eyes closing.

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