Chapter 41

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Ella's POV:

After finding out my parents had been lying to me for not only the last two years, but the last fifteen years, I needed some time to process everything and be with my own thoughts for the rest of the day.

I love my parents and while I'm extremely upset they lied to me about everything that's been happening, I've been trying to see it from their side, maybe they thought they were protecting me, but I'm not some small child who needs protecting. Then there's the part where Papá had the option to come to America and keep our family together. It doesn't make any sense, why would he want us to be apart? He allowed me to hate Mom for years and all along it was his fault; she was just trying to help.

The one thing I'm most thankful for in all of this is Ace. I know that he kept it from me for a week but seeing the text messages between him and Mom, and him begging Mom to tell me the truth, it only made me love him more. When he says he loves me and he'll always protect me and I'm his forever, I believe him because I've never seen him look scared until he thought he was about to lose me.

Knock knock my office door sounds.

"Come in." I call.

Looking up from the desk, I watch as the office door swings open and Mom appears with a soft smile. "Hi." she whispers.

"Hi." I say back and look down at my paperwork.

"How are you feeling this morning?"

"Confused." I say truthfully and look up at her once more. "Is Papa still staying with you?"

"Yes, your Papá and I are working things out."

"Working things out as in your getting back together?"

"We're working on it." She nods.

"He let me believe you were the bad guy for two years, he rejected you twice and your still getting back with him?"

"Ella you of all people should understand when you love someone you give them another chance, your track record with Ace isn't perfect."

"It wasn't, but it is now. Thanks for not letting him take the blame for something that wasn't his issue to begin with. The last thing in the world I need right now is to feel like he betrayed me as well."

"I told him I wouldn't let him take the fall just like he didn't let me take the fall when he told you about the family business and was honest about my contract."

Sighing heavily, I nod. "I have a lot to do, so where you just coming in to say hello or did you need something?"

"I was hoping you'd come to dinner tonight, you and Ace. I think it would be nice if we could all sit down and talk now that everything is out in the open, and have a normal, family dinner."

"I'll check with Ace and I'll let you know."

Beep beep beep. The phone on my office desk rings. Looking down, I see it's Ace's office calling and I pick up the phone.

"Hi baby."

"When you have a second, can you come down here gorgeous?"

"On my way." I smile into the phone and hang it up. "Ace needs me for a moment." I tell Mom as I stand to my feet and adjust my dress, pulling it down. "I'll let you know about dinner."

Exiting the office, I make my way down the hall and knock on Ace's office door twice, then enter and close the door behind me. Turning around, I find him with a desk full of paperwork in front of him, and a look of stress on his face.

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