Chapter 30

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Ace's POV:

From the second Ella got into the car I could tell something was wrong, whatever Julian said to her, it has really gotten to her.

During the drive we didn't talk much, but I did reach across and take her hand in mine and she didn't pull back, rather she smiled softly, so that was a small win.

After arriving at the house, I parked the car in the garage and we made our way inside the house and up to my room. I wasn't sure how quickly Ella needed to talk to me, so I questioned if we should shower and change first or just talk, and even though I could tell something was really bothering her, she choose to shower first.

While we did shower together in my en suit, nothing further happened in the shower, except for one kiss which I indicated, and she kissed me back to begin with, but quickly ended it.

After stepping out of the shower, I dried off and changed into my boxer shorts. Ella changed into a pair of clean panties she'd left behind during our week of sleep overs, and one of my shirts.

"Alright, lets talk, something is bothering you." I say with a soft smile as I sit down on my bed, and tap the space next to me.

Making her way over, she sits down in front of me, cross legged on the bed. "Julian said some things...."

"I figured as much." I nod my head slowly. "Whatever it was, let's talk it out." I tell her as I take her hand.

"Well... he informed me he slept with Brynn on Saturday night, then went on to say I'm nothing but a slut, and that he said that no matter what you said to get inside of me, you don't actually want to be with me."

"First of all, I knew about him and Brynn, I saw them on the night of the ball, twice once in the car and once against the wall outside when I was helping the drunk girl to her car, but I didn't tell you because I didn't want to hurt you." I tell her as I stroke her hand gently. "And secondly, you know that's bullshit, he's saying that out of jealously, obviously." I tell her as I squeeze her hand. "I promise you, I'm not letting you go this time, I want to make this work Ella, rea-"

"There was more." She says softly, cutting me off. "The part that's bothering me, he said that if I knew who you really were that I wouldn't be with you, and that once your done with me no one else will want me because I'll be nothing more than a gangsters used goods."

My eyes widen instantly. I knew this day would come, I knew that if I was going to enter into a relationship with Ella I'd have to tell her the truth, I just didn't think that it would be tonight.

"Wow." I breath out. "A gangsters used goods." I nod my head slowly. "well, as I was saying, this isn't just a hook up to me and you know that, I care about you more than I've ever cared about anyone, and I want this to work between us, I want to make this offical."

I look up and find her smiling at my words, and feel my heart sink, will she still be smiling when these next words leave my mouth? "But his comments about me being a gangster, that wasn't a lie, I mean a little offensive, I'm not a gangster, I'm a mafia under boss, but whatever he thinks." I roll my eyes.

"M-mafia?" She shutters moving back.

"I'll tell you everything if you let me." I assure her.

She nods her head as she looks up at me.

"My Dad is the leader of a Mafia orginszation called the Vipers, it's been handed down for generations and generations, and when my Dad steps down it will be handed to me, and I'll go from being the under boss, to the boss."

"So what you're telling me is that you kill people? You deal drugs, y-your a criminal?" She asks softly.

"Yes and no." I nod "We do move drugs we do use the night club as a front as well as a business to be able to make that happen, but as for me, no I don't kill people, I don't even give the orders to have people killed, I'm above all of that." I tell her honestly. "Dad and I just make the money, everyone works for us. In the Mafia world there is a structure." I begin

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