Chapter 46

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Ace's POV:

I arrive at the hangers at great speed and park the car with a screech. At the same time as I arrive, the rest of the boys arrive and we all jump out, our guns raised as we look around.

One of the guys runs over to Ella's car, the passenger door is open and the pilot is bleeding out.

"Check for a pulse!" I order as I make my way toward the hangers.

"He's breathing, I'll call for help." One of my men yells back.

Looking toward the private jet Katherine and Roberto were supposed to be flying out on, I see the windows are sprayed with blood, and the door has been left open, with no sign of blood on the stairs or the ground, meaning only one thing, Katherine and Roberto didn't make it.

Looking toward the end hanger, I run toward it; I know Ella is in there, it's just like she'd attempted to describe to me on the phone.

"Dad, check the plane, boys, come with me." I call to them.

"Ace, look out." Dad shouts and I look up, my gun raising with me, and I shoot the male in front of me in the chest.

"Fucking Viper." He says as he falls to the ground.

Stepping over him, I push the door of the last hanger open. It's then I see two Mexican Cartel members both holding Ella's arms, one with a gun to her head as he walks her toward me.

"Don't take another fucking step, or I'll shoot your pretty wife in the head."

I take a step closer, while my backup watches the door. "I'd love to chat, but you've already pissed me off today. You should know better than to mess with a Viper's girl." I tell him as I point my gun at the boss quickly and shoot him in the chest.

He falls to the ground instantly, letting go of Ella, and she gasps, then turns to the male on the other side of her.

The second male raises his gun, but before he has a chance, I pull the trigger, hitting him point blank in the chest, and he falls to the floor. As Ella watches his body fall, she jumps back. I don't think she expected me to shoot them while she was so close, but I've never missed a shot. There was no way I'd ever hit her by mistake.

She looks at the bodies on the ground once more and then runs toward me. As she does, I put the lock on my gun and place it back in the waist of my black skinny jeans.

As she reaches and jumps into my arms, she begins to sob. "I'm sorry," She says as she sobs.

Wrapping my arms around her, I stroke her hair and kiss the top of her head over and over. "They didn't touch you at all? Hurt you in any way?"

"No, they didn't get the chance. You arrived right when I needed you most." She whispers as she stays close.

"It's okay baby, it's over now." I assure her as I kiss the top of her head once more.

Looking up at me, her eyes grow wide. "Oh god, Mom and Papa." She says, realization hitting her, and she breaks from my arms and runs out the doors.

"Ella, no." I call after her as I chase her, the last thing she needs is to see is her parents.

As she runs toward the stairs, Dad makes his way down them and grabs her. "Ella you can't be in here."

"Jex, I have to help them." She pushes against him.

"Sweetheart, you can't help them. They're gone." He tells her as he looks down at her. "They're gone, honey." He repeats once more.

"W-we can't help them?" She sobs as she looks up at him. "T-They can't be... gone."

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