Chapter 50

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It's been two days since we met with the funeral home, and just as I wanted, everything has been put into place quickly, and now the day is here, I officially say goodbye to my parents, and give them the send off they deserve.

Assessing my outfit in the mirror, I pull my long dark hair over my shoulders and take a deep breath. I'm dressed in a long-sleeved silver shirt tucked into a black skirt with black heels on my feet. Mom would love this outfit, she'd be proud of it, I just hope everyone else doesn't think it's too much.

As the sound of the doorbell rings loudly throughout the house for the millionth time today, I check my phone for the time, each time it rings I get my hopes up it's my Grandpa, but it's too early for him to be here yet.

"Ella, another delivery for you." Bella calls from downstairs.

Giving myself another quick look in the mirror of Ace and I's room, I make my way downstairs and into the kitchen, where a large bunch of flowers in a vase stand on the kitchen bench.

"Ella, you look beautiful." Bella smiles as she takes in my outfit.

"Thanks, Mom hated people dressing in all black at funerals. She said it was depressing."

Giggling softly, Bella nods. "I tend to agree, in fact I once said that exact thing at a funeral and I almost got punched."

"Savage." I grin softly as I reach for the card attached to the flowers.

"Ella, thinking of you today and always, love Nat and Riley." I read out loud. "She's so sweet."

"She's a good girl." Bella agrees. "Shall I go and put these in the living room with all the rest?"

"I'll take them." I tell her as I pick up the bunch of flowers and head for the living room, which looks like a florist.

From the day everyone was informed of my parents passing flowers began arriving to the door, some of them are from people I don't even know who were friends with my Mom or Dad, or both, and a lot of them are from the people we work with, a bunch even arrived from Julian and Brynn which shocked me, last I checked Julian hated me, but seeing as Brynn's name was on the card, maybe they're together now and he's found happiness.

"More flowers." Ace says as he makes his way into the room.

"They're from Natty and Riley." I smile softly as I turn to him.

He's now dressed in a tasteful navy blue pinstripe suit, his perfect hair slicked back. "Well, look at you, looking all gangster." I tease as I wrap my arms around his neck.

Rolling his eyes, he looks back down at me with a grin. He hates the term gangster, so I use it on him all the time. "I'll pretend like you didn't say that."

"Okay, I'm sorry. Look at you, looking all sexy Mafia under boss."

"That's better." He leans down, pressing a kiss to my lips.

I smile against his lips for a moment, then pull back, holding onto his hands as I let out a deep breath. "Do you think many people will come?"

"I think more people than you could even imagine will be there." He nods. "How are you feeling about it all?"

"I'm not sure what to expect, I'm mixed emotions like I have been since it happened, I'm sad, I mad, and I'm scared."

"Your scared?" He asks as he squeezes my hand. "What are you scared about gorgeous?"

"The..." I look down at the ground. "The Cartel, what if they come and more people get hurt, they really hated my Papa, I wouldn't be surprised."

"The Cartel is never coming near you again, we have the best security money can buy out the front, not that we'll need them because they won't come near us again, they'd be stupid to Ella, they have no boss, no under boss, and no Capo, I killed them, and Dad received word last night that the fourth in charge is wanting to speak to him, I'd imagine it's to make a peace offering." He tells me before dropping my hands and moves his hands to my cheeks. "I get it, I get why your scared, but I promised you nothing would ever happen to you and I mean it."

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