Chapter 63

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Ella's POV:

After saying our I do's and finally becoming Mrs. Shelby, Ace and I took a moment to have some wedding photos taken by the photographer, both just the two of us and a range of family shoots.

While the photos where being taken, it hit me hard that Mom and Papa aren't here, but I've felt their presence with me all day, I know they are here standing beside me, even if I'm not able to see them anymore.

After our photos we made our way to the stunningly dressed table and took our seats, Ace and I at the head of the table and our family and friends down either side, including the photographer who was kind enough to stay and photograph everyone's reactions to us having a baby girl.

Dinner was divine, Ace and I shared our main meals, Ace having had the chicken and myself the steak, and dessert was even better, as a special request Ace had a plate of brownies brought to me as well as my serving of cake with whipped cream on the side.

"Good?" Ace asks with a grin?

"So good." I nod my head as I look up at him.

"Mmm I can tell." he chuckles softly as he moves in and wipes cream from the side of my mouth with his thumb.

"This brings back memories." I say softly, my eyes not leaving his.

"We have a lot to thank whipped cream for, don't we." He leans in and presses his lips to mine.

At the sound of a glass being tapped, I slowly pull back from the kiss and look up to find Jex standing in his seat, everyone now looking toward him. "I know you both said speeches weren't necessary, so this isn't a speech, but I just wanted to tell you both how happy I am for you." He smiles as he looks toward Ace and I. "Ella we all adore you, and I'm really proud to have you as my daughter-in-law." He says and sits back down.

"Thanks." I all but whisper as I tear slides down my cheek and I wipe it away quickly.

"I also would like to say, your Papa and Mom would be very proud of you tonight Ella, you look so beautiful." Abuelo adds from his seat. "And Ace you're still my favorite Grandson."

"Thank-you Abuelo." Ace chuckles softly and takes my hand under the table, knowing the topic of Mom and Papa is one that upsets me easily.

"Well, I too am very excited to have you as my sister, officially, finally." Jordan giggles, a quick subject change to take my mind off the sadness of not having my parents here. "And I still to this day don't know what you see in my brother, but I'm glad you chose to marry him anyway." She raises her glass with another giggle.

"I second that!" Grayson clinks his glass against hers. "As the best man, I'd like to say, dude you're seriously punching" He chuckles, everyone else laughing as well.

"And I second that." Killen smirks. "Good news is, he's off our hands and onto Ella's, poor Ella." He laughs.

"You sure you still want in this crazy family?" Willow smiles.

"It's not to late to run? I joke.

As our plates are cleared by the wait staff, I pull my phone from my small clutch, checking the time. It's then I notice just how late it is.

"Should we make the gender announcement? Abuelo is probably getting tired, and Mila and Poppy have been asleep for the past hour, Gray and Lottie probably want to take them to bed." I ask Ace softly.

"Yeah, I'll go and grab the confetti cannon's." He presses a kiss to my temple and stands to his feet, making his way to the other end of the table where the confetti poppers are standing in a small, white wooden box.

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