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Act 1: A New Adventure

Chapter 1: Aftermath

Tucker's Monologue

"Man. Born of dust. Claimed to be the greatest creation of the Gods, the ability to choose between right and wrong. Men. Born from war...used by the broken and depressed. Soon to be cast aside like a failed experiment.

But no...we aren't a failed experiment. We are born for the ashes of Project Freelancer, cleansed of our sins...

We are...the Reds and Blues...

POV Change: The Reds and Blues

Outpost 48-A "High Ground", 2554

It was several weeks after the Reds and Blues defeated the Meta, and said goodbye to Teams RWBY and JNPR. They were going to head back to their home at Outpost 17-B also known as 'Valhalla'. The thing was, the two teams' hornets didn't have a full gas tank, forcing them to land. They were now taking refuge in an old Freelancer simulation outpost, which was actually occupied by an old friend of theirs, Leonard Church.

Red Team leader Sarge, and Blue Team members Lavernius Tucker, and Agent Washington were sitting in the base's conference room looking through several papers.

"Operation: Rosebud huh?" Wash questioned as he looked through the papers, "What is the mission exactly?"

"To find team RWBY." Sarge replied, "They helped us out twice Wash. First in Blood Gulch, and second in stopping the Meta."

Tucker then continued, "Once we get back to Valhalla. We'll start drawing up specks for our own teleporter. As per the blueprints Sarge already drew up."

Wash looked at the blueprints, studying them carefully.

"Alright." he said, putting the notes down, "I'm in. What about the others?"

"Well you can bet your ass that Caboose in on this shit." Tucker replied, "Sarge just needs to ask Grif and Simmons."

"I'll go talk to those idiots right now." Sarge said to them

Suddenly, they heard a loud scream coming from outside. Causing them all to get up from their seats and investigate the situation.

A few minutes earlier...

Grif and Simmons stood on the guard tower of High Ground, overlooked the beachline, and path up to the base entrance.

"Hey." Simmons aid to his friend

"Yeah?" Grif muttered

"You ever wonder why we're here?" Simmons asked him

"It's one of life's great mysteries isn't it?" Grif replied, "Why are we here? I mean, are we the product of some cosmic coincidence, or is there really a God watching everything? You know, with a plan for us and stuff. I don't know, man, but it keeps me up at night."

The two stared at one another for a total of two minutes before. Before Simmons responded.

"...What!?" Simmons asked, "I meant why are we at High Ground and not at Valhalla!"

"Oh..." Grif muttered, "Well, you can blame the UNSC guys for not putting in a full tank of gas in those Hornets we stole."

"Good point." Simmons replied, "Sarge said he's been using pieces of the two crafts to build two jeeps for both teams."

"I know that." Grif said to them, "We passed by them before coming up here."

"If they're already built, why haven't we left?" Simmons asked

"Sarge has been talking with the Blues about something." Grif explained, "Maybe they're surrendering again or some shit."

The two then heard the sound of a twig cracking.

"Did you just hear something?"

"Yeah I just di-what the fuck is that?" Grif muttered

"What's what?" Simmons replied

"That thing on your head." Grif replied, "Is blue and glowing."

"Is it a spider?" Simmons asked, "Get it off-"


Wash, Sarge, and Tucker ran out of the base to find Caboose standing and looking at something.

"Caboose, what's going on?" Wash asked the blue soldier

"Oh, hey Wash." Caboose said to him, "We have a guest. Mr. Simmons and Griff are trying to fetch her coat."

"Huh?" Tucker muttered before he looked at Grif and Simmons.

The two soldiers were being beaten up by some soldier in cyan armor. Grif was in a headlock, while Simmons was being stomped on by the cyan soldier's foot.

"Why won't you just kill us!?" Grif cried

"STOP!" Wash shouted at the soldier, "Carolina! Stop! Now!"

The soldier, now revealed to be named Carolina, stopped hurting the two upon hearing Wash's voice.

"Hello Agent Washington." she said in a no-nonsense tone, "Long time no see."

"Indeed." Wash replied in the same tone, "You're supposed to be dead."

"And you're supposed to be in jail." Carolina retorted

"Touche." Wash said, "What are you doing here?"

"Is there somewhere we can talk in private." she asked, "Somewhere away from these guys?"

Wash took her inside, where she explained to him that she found the location of Epsilon. The last surviving AI fragment of the Alpha. Who locked himself in the Epsilon Unit to save his friend and last memory of Agent Texas. He was being held at the UNSC archives, and now Carolina needed to get him out. As she believed that Epsilon knew the location of the Director of Project Freelancer, Dr. Leonard Church.

"Are you sure getting him out is a good idea?" Wash asked her, "Church was pretty clear that he wanted to go into the memory unit."

"I don't care." Carolina replied, "I need him, Epsilon may be my only lead in finding the Director. I need your help in getting him out."

"And what about my team?" Wash asked about the Reds and Blues

"They'll be coming with us obviously." Carolina replied

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Wash asked, "They kinda already had plans."

"What plans do they have?" Carolina questioned, "How to steal a flag? No. They are, and will be coming with us, whether they like it or not."

Wash sighed in defeat, "Fine, I'll go rally the troops boss."

"Good. I'll be waiting."

Tucker's Monologue

Carolina's sudden reappearance had us change our plans. We never got to see the kids again. Not for a while.

And in their absence came new adventures. Chorus, the Blues and Reds, time travel, Gods, all the shit. Including personnel loss.

Church's final death wasn't in vain. It pushed us further, made us who we are today. It made us stronger, bolder, crazier, almost insane. But we aren't the same people from that backwater canyon we call home.

But now, we're tired of waiting, tired of hoping they return. We owe them big time, we have our own debt to pay. Now, we bring the fight and adventure to them...

                                                          Red vs. Blue vs. RWBY: A Soldier's Debt

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