Painting the Town Red

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Chapter 9: Painting the Town Red

Remnant, Continent of Sanus, Snow Gulch

POV: The Reds and Blues

Premise: The Reds and Blues' latest mission to stop Torchwick nearly has them cross paths with Team RWBY.

Caboose leaned against the side of the Reds and Blues' new ship: The Prowler, which Lopez had finished repairing finally. He was loading ammo into his assault rifle.

"AMMO CAPACITY AT 100%." Freckles announced

"Good." Caboose said happily, as he took notice of everyone walking up to the ship.

"Lopez did you finish working on the ship?" Sarge asked the robot

"[Yes.]" Lopez replied, "[It took me fucking forever. I expect a large payment in return.]"

"Well that's gonna be tuff." Grif muttered, "Someone go get me Wash's wallet."

"You're not stealing money from Wash's wallet again." Carolina protested

"Aw come on!" Grif whined, "Why not?"

"Wash is already going through enough shit." Carolina hissed at him, "Give the guy a break."

"Fine." Grif sighed

"Speaking of Wash." Carolina continued while looking at Tucker, "Are you sure you don't need me on this mission."

"We need someone to look after Wash." Tucker explained, "You're the best candidate for this."

"What if you need me?" Carolina questioned

"We got this." Simmons assured

"When have we ever let you and Wash down?" Grif questioned

Everyone was silent for a moment.

"...After saying that, I realized we have let you down." Grif muttered

"Yep." Carolina chuckled, "Alright, I'll stay here."

"Shall we go over the mission again?" Sarge asked everyone

"Yeah, let's do that." Doc answered

"Alright." Tucker said as he pulled out a map of the city of Vale, "Rumor has it that Torchwick will be at a White Fang rally in the City of Vale. I don't know exactly what he will be presenting, but something tells me it's bad."

"To shit dickhead." Simmons muttered

Tucker then continued, "Me, Caboose, Kai, and Sarge will be undercover at the rally. Once we get enough information, we'll pull out the red carpet."

"How are you going to get into the rally?" Locus questioned

"With these." Tucker replied, as he held up several White Fang uniforms, "Lopez, will be reconnaissance. He'll be flying the Prowler and supply vehicles if necessary. Donut, Doc, Locus, you'll be gathering information from one of Torchwick business partners. The guy owns a nightclub in the shady part of Vale, so it shouldn't be a problem."

"Alright!" Donut shouted, "Double-O-Donut always gets his man!"

"Right." Doc muttered at Donut's comment

"Should we run into any trouble?" Locus asked the aqua soldier

"Nah." Tucker replied, "Probably not."

"What about me and Grif?" Simmons spoke up, "What are we supposed to do?"


POV Change: City of Vale

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