The Torchwick Crisis: Part 3

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Chapter 13: The Torchwick Crisis Part 3

Remnant, Continent of Sanus, Mountain Glenn

POV: Ruby Rose

Premise: The D-Train heading for the Bronx is leaving soon, and both the Blood Gulch Crew and Team RWBY are desperate to board it.

"Gah!" Ruby cries, she is thrown across the floor of the cavern by Torchwick

"Wow!" the criminal chuckled, "You are much more manageable without that oversized gardening tool of yours."

Ruby got up and charged at Torchwick. But he simply just steps aside, and watches her tumble on the floor.

"Oh man." Torchwick laughed, "You know Perry, I did need this."

Perry gave him a simple thumbs up in responce. Torchwick then walked up to Ruby and pointed his cane at her.

"But seriously Red, how did you find this place?" he asked her

Ruby just growled at him, and used her semblance to run away.

"Whoa!" Torchwick muttered, before twirling his cane in the air and firing a hook at her hood, catching her. Ruby then found herself back in his grasp.

"I see you've got some tricks up your sleeve!" Torchwick said to her, "Let me make this clear: We're not through here yet."

Suddenly, the two heard a massive explosion in the distance.

"Oh, what the... Perry, if you and the boys could take care of that?" Torchwick asked his associate, "Kinda in the middle of something."

Perry simply nodded at him before going off with several of his fellow WF soldiers to investigate the situation. That was when another explosion was heard.

"WHAT is going on here?!" Torchwick shouted

A third explosion then went off, and Torchwick noticed several White Fang soldier running around the corner of some abandoned buildings. Turns out, they were being chased by Team RWBY, and the Reds and Blues.

Ruby took advantage of this and jumped onto Torchwick's soldiers and pulled his hat over his eyes before running off back to her friends.

Torchwick managed to fix his hat, "Somebody kill her!"

The WF soldiers at his side, along with himself proceeded to open fire on Ruby. But she dodged every shot, angering Torchwick even more.

He then turned to one of his men, "Attach this cart and spread the word: We're starting the train."

"But we're not finished." the soldier pleaded

Torchwick proceeded to pin the soldier against the wall with his cane, "Do it or your finished!"

Meanwhile, Ruby ran up to a group of WF soldiers that were closing in on her. But they were flown off their feet by an explosion caused by her friends.

"Ruby!" Caboose shouted, as she hugged him

"Are you ok?" Weiss asked her

"I'm fine, I'm fine!" Ruby shouted, "But listen! Torchwick's got all kinds of weapons and robots down there."

"What?!" Blake cried, as she handed Ruby her scythe

"Androids, mechs, they're all loaded up on the train cars!"

"That's ridiculous." Simmons replied, "These tunnels are sealed, the tracks lead to a dead-end."

Suddenly, Torchwick's voice was heard over a loudspeaker, "Get to your places, we are leaving now!"

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