Merk Temple Part 5

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Chapter 26: Mark Temple Part 5

Remnant, Continent of Anima, UNKNOWN LOCATION

POV: Dexter Grif

Premise: Atlas may be safe, but the fight has only begun...

A portal opened up in the middle of a thick forest as Dexter Grif landed on the hard grassy ground. The orange soldier grunted in pain slightly as got onto his feet. Just as the portal behind him closed.

His comms started to go off, and Griff quickly responded, "Hello?"

"Grif!" Sarge shouted at him, "Where in Sam Hill are you!?"

Tucker then spoke up, "Yeah what gives!? Running off after hearing Raven's name! Temple's part of this whole thing! We need to work together!"

"And we will!" Grif replied, "Just hear me out."

Tucker sighed through the comms, "Fine, what is it?"

"When we met with the parents, Tai and I spoke about Raven." Grif explained, "He said that her brother was tracking her whereabouts. I have a rough sketch of where Raven could be, but it's fifty-fifty."

"If Temple's after Raven, and he has Ruby and the others. Then they'll be there as well." Locus muttered

Surprisingly, Ironwood responded, "He's right, we can remove both Temple and help Raven."

"Alright, then." Grif replied, "But Raven's mine to deal with."

"Copy that." Tucker said to him, "Transmit your location, we'll send you the information Jacques had on Raven's location."

POV Change: Schnee Manor

"Copy that." Tucker said to Grif, "Transmit your location, we'll send you the information Jacques had on Raven's location."

Tucker then got off comms as he looked at his team. It was then that Carolina spoke.

"I can't believe those assholes are here!" she shouted

"Well, it's obvious that Temple is now in collaboration with Salem." Ironwood muttered, "But that now raises the question: How did they meet?"

"And how did the Blues and Reds find a way to Remnant." Simmons added

Tucker then chuckled, " this a bad time to say that I got a call from Dylan earlier about the destruction of their transport...?"

"Wha-ah! No Tucker." Caboose said to him, "That not bad at all really-"

"YES THIS IS A BAD TIME YOU IDIOT!" Simmons chimed in

"When were you going to tell us?" Wash asked him

"After yeeting Jacques." Tucker replied, "I thought they were dead, so why not."

"Ok, I kinda see his point." Doc muttered before O'Malley took over

"Dammit! If they escaped earlier while we were still on Chorus, I would've beaten them to oblivion and back! Haha!" O'Malley shouted

Carolina then spoke up, "What did Dylan tell you?"

"Not much." Tucker replied, "But she did get a picture from a still intact camera."

Tucker then showed everyone the picture. It was of the mysterious tail."

"The fuck?" Simmons muttered

"That's not enough information." said Wash, "Does Dylan have any more pictures?"

Tucker then got a notification on his HUD, "Looks like it."

Several pictures then emitted from his helmet, they showed either a man with the tail or of their ally Atlus.

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