Converging Interests

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Chapter 6: Converging Interests

Remnant, Kingdom of Vale, Beacon Academy

POV: Professor Ozpin

Premise: As the Reds and Blues debate over the threat of Torchwick and the White Fang. Several new factions take an interest into the Blood Gulch Crew.

Beacon Academy stood as a sign of hope to humanity and four kingdoms of Vale, Vacuo, Mistral, and Atlas. The Academy along with Shade, Haven, and Atlas worked to teach young men and women to become huntsmen and protect humanity from the creatures of Grimm. A day of peace was coming soon: The Vytal Festival, and celebration of culture, and other stuff from each kingdom. This year, it was hosted in Vale and big preparations were to be made as soon as possible.

Within the tallest tower of Beacon Academy sat a man with messy white hair. He wore a black dress suit and overcoat with a green scarf. A pair of glasses were on his face as he examined his large scroll.

Professor Ozpin: the headmaster of Beacon Academy.

"...and you're sure there was nothing there Qrow?" Ozpin asked the man on his screen

"I'm sure Oz." Qrow replied, "The Queen has been silent for a while now. Ever since we found Amber nothing else has happened."

Ozpin sighed heavily, "Alright."

"But there is something I want to know." Qrow muttered, causing Ozpin to perk up slightly,

"Go on." Ozpin replied

"Several days ago, a large village in northern Sanus was attacked by a White Fang battalion." Qrow explained

"Well, the areas far away from Vale are a good place to cause harm." Ozpin muttered, "Was it a small force?"

"No it wasn't." Qrow replied, "In fact, it was led by Adam Taurus. The leader of the White in Vale."

"Intriguing." Ozpin muttered

"The attack was so massive, that Grimm started making their way into the village." Qrow continued, "That was, until help arrived."

"What kind of help?" Ozpin asked

"Well, here's the catch. I don't actually know who it was." Qrow explained, "Eyewitness reports claim that whoever they were. They looked like Atlas military."

Ozpin rubbed his chin, "Well, Ironwood did say that he was coming to Beacon. Perhaps he stopped to help these people."

"He didn't Oz." Qrow replied, "Cause I just got off the phone with James, and he didn't even know what I was talking about. I have video footage courtesy of some of the villagers of these soldier's. They're blurry, but they're something. I'll send them to you now."

"That'll work." Ozpin said to him

"Alright, see you around Oz." Qrow replied before ending the call.

Once the call ended the elevator door opened and out stepped a woman around Ozpin's age. She had light blonde hair tied into a bun with several strands hanging loose. She wore a white blouse with cuffs, black skirt, and heels. A black and purple cape was on her back, and a riding crop firmly in her grasp. Her overall appearance looked like a witch.

"Well, I finally got the cafeteria cleaned up after the whole food fight incident." she huffed as she walked up to Ozpin's desk.

"Professor?" she asked him

"Hmm?" Ozpin muttered before he took notice of her, "Oh, Glynda. Sorry, I just got off the phone with Qrow. Said he found something."

"About her?" Glynda asked

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