Time to Ketchup

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Chapter 7: Time to Ketchup

Remnant, Kingdom of Vale, Beacon Academy

POV: Beacon Library

Premise: Team RWBY begins their investigation into the White Fang as the Reds and Blues search for a cure for Wash's condition.

"Hmm...Alright...oh alright...Yang Xiao-Long! Prepare your kingdom for battle!" Ruby Rose shouted at her sister

"Bring it on!" Yang shouted back while pumping a fist.

"I deploy the Atlesian Airfleet!" Ruby announced, slamming a card down on the table.

Yang did a faux gasp in response.

"Looks like I get to fly over your Ursa and attack your wall directly." Ruby explained, the reaper proceeded to make an airplane noise while flapping her arms as if they were wings.

"You fiend!" Yang shouted while pointing at her sister

Ruby continued her monologue, "And since Atlas is part of Mantle, my repair time only lasts: one turn."

"Heheh, pretty sneaky sis." Yang said holding up a card, "But you just activated my trap card!"

"Wwhhaatt?" Ruby gasped

"Giant Nevermore!" Yang shouted as she slammed the card down on the table, "If I roll a seven or higher, feather will slice your fleet in two!"

"But." Ruby spoke up, "You roll a six or lower, the Nevermore will turn on your forces."

"That's just a chance I'm willing to take." Yang shot back.

Team RWBY was currently in the library of Beacon Academy playing a board game, although it was Ruby and Yang that were doing most of the playing. Weiss Schnee was just watching in utter confusion, while Blake Belladonna was staring deep into space. Their sister team, JNPR was sitting at another table nearby. Lie Ren was reading a book, while his partner Nora Valkyrie was sleeping loudly. Jaune Arc was reading a comic book called X-Ray & Vav, while his partner Pyrrha Nikos was studying. She took notice of Jaune and took the comic from him, replacing it with a textbook. Only to start reading the comic herself.

"Alright Weiss, it's your turn." Yang said to the dreaded Ice Queen

"I have...absolutely no idea what is happening." Weiss honestly replied

"Look it's easy." Yang explained as she observed her cards, "You're playing as Vacuo which means that all Vacuo-based cards come with a bonus."

"Well that sounds dumb." Weiss muttered

Yang then continued, "See, you've got Sandstorm, Desert Scavenge... Oh, oh! Resourceful Raider! See, now you can take Ruby's discarded Air Fleet—"

"Nooo!" Ruby faux cried

"—and put it in your hand!" Yang continued

"Okay.." Weiss replied, still ot sure what she was doing

"And since Vacuo warriors have an endurance against Natural-based hazards, you can use Sandstorm to disable my ground forces and simultaneously infiltrate my kingdom!" Yang explained

The brawler then got close to Weiss face for saying, "Just know that I will not forget this declaration of war."

"And that means..." Weiss questioned

"You're just three moves away from conquering Remnant!" Ruby explained

Weiss stood up and laughed psychotically, "Y-yes! Fear the almighty power of my forces! Cower as they pillage your homes and weep as they take your children from your very arms!"

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